
Football fans grab your helmets and pads and start dribbling towards the goal. Whether you're all about the touchdown or bending it like Beckham, you won't leave disappointed. Sit back and check out some of the funniest football memes and jokes while you wait for the next match.

baby costume football halloween Image Kids are Creepers Too - 2911590912

Don't. Turn. Around.

sports football Perfect Timing Image - 6654873600

This Was in My Local Paper Today

sports football fart - 7013949440

Explosive Fart

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Her Halftime Show

awesome best of week football Image sports - 5456357632

Michael Loves Himself Some Wide Receivers

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NFL Lineman JJ Watt, What Are You Doing Here?

FAIL football photobomb perfectly timed - 7963367168

Failed Catch Bomb

Awkward booger football Image nose - 2873093376

It's Apalachin State... Not Surprising

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Classic: Nice Catch, Bro

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The Champ: Aaron Rodgers

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Bronco Bombed

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