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'Block her number and move on': Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

A gift’s a gift
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'Are you gonna have fun on your little bouncy castle?': Adults debate whether or not taking your birthday off work is an 'ick'

But it's my birthday...
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'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

For reasons that are still unknown, salary has proven to be one of the most private and sensitive bits of information in the business world for years, if not decades. What would you do, then, if your pay increase was unintentionally disclosed to the entire company? Would you be happy to brag about your raise, or would you attempt to keep it to yourself given how hard you worked to get here? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. When the original poster (OP) first started worki…
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work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, toxic work environment, work from home, job interview, job hunt, job listing, job application, hybrid, call center, reddit

‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

Yeah, I’m not gonna do that
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antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, work stories, toxic workplace, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, ceo, toxic boss, bad bosses, toxic work environment

'You should be working 12 hour days': Tech CEO tells employees they aren't working enough, demands they work 8 AM-9 PM Monday-Friday

No, you shouldn't
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customer service, ask reddit, workplace stories, jobs, on the job, work stories, job, work, customers, working, askreddit, reddit story, customer, not my job, workplace

'Your kid needs a bath like yesterday': Workers share things they aren't allowed to tell customers at their job

Some things are best left unsaid
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'Absolutely report her and her business': Shady birthday party company requires 8 weeks of free labor from teenage employees

Yeah, I don't think so
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'I don’t mean to scream’: Nightmare office environment causes employee to put up hilarious sign outside their curtained workspace

Employee in their natural habitat
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terrible coworkers, antiwork, workplace stories, work stories, toxic workplace, manager, work story, work, coworkers, managers, workplace, coworker, toxic work environment

'It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage': Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

That's not how this should work
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company, companies, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, bosses, terrible bosses, donate, donations, pto, money, take my money, antiwork, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, workplace

Billion-dollar company asks $19.95/hour wage workers to donate to colleague: 'I don't make enough to save my coworkers from disaster'

Isn't that your job?
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work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, professional at work, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, raise, salary, money, loyalty, reddit, reddit thread

Company rewards loyal employee's 10 years of work with 20¢ raise: 'Wow now you can afford that hot tub'

That's less than a gumball
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'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

Working in the hospitality industry can be challenging. There are a lot of factors to take into account, in addition to the long hours, entitled guests, and constant barrage of unreasonable requests. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. A woman approached the Original Poster (OP) while she was working the night shift. She stormed into the hotel and insisted on being checked in right away. But not long after she arrived, OP recognized that the woman in front of…
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paycheck, payroll, pay, payment, payday, money, saving money, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, rain, boss, restaurant, restaurant work, reddit

'They are just making up excuses to be lazy': Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

Not a valid excuse
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management, salary, twitter, workplace stories, jobs, saving money, manager, job, work, clueless, twitter reactions, tweets, managers, Tech, rich people, money, rich

29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: 'If he quits, good luck finding half that amount'

The dream gig
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‘Pay first, then leave’: Server Catches Wind of Family’s Sly Attempt to Dine and Dash, Doesn’t Leave Their Side Until They Pay Their $200 Dollar Bill

‘Pay first, then leave’: Server Catches Wind of Family’s Sly Attempt to Dine and Dash, Doesn’t Leave Their Side Until They Pay Their $200 Dollar Bill

Work in the food sector is never simple. It's more challenging, though, to work in the food industry with clients who are trying to score free meals. The story below is an account of a puzzled server. The Original Poster (OP) is a server at a local restaurant. As we all know by now, working in customer service has its challenges, but nothing could have prepared OP for the day when a family would attempt to score a free meal. The savvy family came up with a sly scheme to divert the attention of…
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Fast Food Workers Share Most Entertaining Workplace Moments

Fast Food Workers Share Most Entertaining Workplace Moments

Everybody here has had some experience working in customer service. A number of us had jobs in theaters, motels, fast-food restaurants, and various other places. It's safe to say that working as a server was one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. For the most part, we felt like human punching bags that people might use to get even as they were traveling to and from work. Still, the job taught us to be tough, so in honor of the countless hours spent rushing from one irate client to the next, we'…
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