twitter thread

nostalgia, nostalgia memes, millennial nostalgia, baby boomers, boomers, boomer, culture, midcentury, greatest gen, generations, nightlife, clubbing, dancing, going out, twitter thread, parenting, parenting tweets

'American nightlife is lame and tends to end in one's 30s': Grown-ups bemoan the loss of adult nightlife, claim it ended with with the boomers

air travel, twitter, screaming, Twitter Thread, kids, travelling, parenting, scream, tweets, Travel, traveling, tweet, Parenting Fail, son, parents, children, Parenting FAILS

'My son screamed for the last 4 hours': Parents share the worst travel strategies they've tried while traveling with kids

flight, flying, airplane, twitter, twitter thread, debate, vacation, travel, traveling

Travelers debate whether you should book flights on a phone or laptop: 'My most millennial trait is big purchases must happen in big laptop screen'

homeowner, homeowners, homeownership, homes, apartment, landlord, landlords, side hustle, millennials, millennial humor, funny millennials, funny tweets, funny twitter, twitter thread, home depot, prefab

Home Depot offers a $33k prefab home, millennials start dreaming of homeownership: 'Sell for $300k 2 years later'

nature, karens, twitter, solar eclipse, Twitter Thread, moon, flight, twitter reactions, Little Rock, eclipse, tweets, sun, tweet, flights, earth, karen, twitter discourse

Male Karen criticizes eclipse-heads for flying to Little Rock to watch the eclipse, gets schooled on the natural beauty of the earth: 'Experiencing a rare cosmic phenomenon is important'

the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons memes, cartoons, memes, funny, funny memes, sitcom, twitter, twitter thread

'I'm a resurcher': 20+ of the best memes from 'The Simpsons', according to fans

revenge, petty revenge, pro revenge, petty revenge reddit, revenge stories, revenge stories reddit, petty, landlord, landlords, tenatn, renting, gardening, gardens, plants, plant, twitter thread

Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: 'Should salt the earth for good measure'

family, family drama, mother-in-law, china, heirloom, inheritance, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, reddit

'Just accept the gift and say thank you': Entitled family split opinion after rudely refusing to inherit boomer mother-in-law's heirloom china

art, painting, relationships, marriage, romance, twitter, twitter thread, wholesome, facebook, boomer, old people

Wholesome boomer husbands paint their wives, get applauded by the internet: 'Wife guys have been the backbone of the art world for centuries'

twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, fresh tweets, fresh memes, viral, viral tweets, trending, trending memes, trending tweets, celebrity twitter, twitter story, news, pop culture

35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2024)

debt, income, money, rich people, twitter, twitter thread, stingy, friendship, venmo

'You won't be getting a $3.62 Venmo from me': Twitter users examine levels of generosity in different income brackets

truck, car, vehicle, payment, money, expensive, finance, stupid people, tiktok, twitter, cringe

'Y'all thought my $1400 Tahoe payment was bad': Nonsensical woman baffles internet with combined $3000 monthly car payments

twitter story, landlord, twitter, Twitter Thread, landlords, apartments, twitter reactions, clutter, viral tweets, messy, tweets, tweet, dirty, mess, twitter discourse, apartment

'In 20 years that I own the property, have not seen such mess inside!!': High-strung landlord scolds tenant for having a mildly messy apartment

twitter story, author, writers, twitter, reader, Twitter Thread, reading, read, writer, twitter reactions, authors, books, tweets, library, book, tweet, writing

Author criticizes reader for borrowing his book from the library: 'It's even better when you buy, not borrow, your copy'

parenting, work, advert, breastfeeding, women, baby, childcare, working, job, office, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, kids, moms

'Has anyone even MET a baby?!': Breastfeeding clothing company sparks controversy for encouraging moms to bring their kids to work

teacher, dress code, twitter, twitter thread, school, kids, mom, parenting, teaching, outrage, top

Mom fights back after substitute teacher claims 8-year-old's top is 'inappropriate': 'Oh no, you see collarbones. Go seek help'