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'He [...] stormed into the office block': Entitled coworker asks to drive coworker's brand new Mercedes, lashes out when he refuses

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Cafe worker bakes cookies to share with coworkers, boss takes them and sells them to customers: 'That any boss would be that cheap, lame and petty, [...] I'd be looking for the exit'

antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, boss, bosses, toxic boss, bad bosses, job, working, toxic work environment, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'I'm not coming back': Toxic boss cancels employee's shift last minute despite employee's 1.5-hour commute

antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, boss, bosses, toxic boss, bad bosses, job, working, toxic work environment, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'My manager is now literally stalking me': Boss sends worker to knock on colleague's door after they didn't reply to an email

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Man is forced to work on his wedding day despite asking for leave 6 months prior: 'His job will not remember this sacrifice'

management, toxic manager, work stories, toxic workplace, manager, work, horrible management, toxic boss, tweets, managers, tweet, twitter discourse, toxic work environment

Manager makes employee show him his vomit after not believing that he threw up: 'Are you sure that isn't someone else's vomit?

antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, boss, bosses, toxic boss, bad bosses, job, working, toxic work environment, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'I really hate that it has come to this': Incompetent boss berates ex-employee for keeping company while he was on a European vacation

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30+ Job Search Memes on Their Hundredth Round of Interviews

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Grocery store chain charges employees $2 to wear shorts during heat wave: 'Where does the money go?'

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'A block of wood instead of a bonus': The worst and funniest corporate gifts workers have been given in lieu of money

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Toxic boss chastises employee for not talking about their personal life, shows up to their new workplace unannounced: 'I think I'm still in shock'

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'It was a test of desperation': Employer schedules interview at 7 AM and keeps candidates waiting for 8+ hours, fed-up workers react

work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, professional at work, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, boss, toxic boss, wage theft, wages, time clock, reddit, reddit thread

Boss admits to wage theft when explaining time clocks, costs employee hundreds of dollars: 'It serves no other purpose except to scam workers'

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'So, you don't plan to retire?': 15+ Perfect comebacks to the classic line 'Nobody wants to work anymore'

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Company fires employee after they failed to provide mother's death certificate 4 days after her passing: 'I had to leave work Sunday night because my mom passed during my shift'

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Company opens coffee shop inside of office, gets rid of all the free coffee machines: 'We were promised a free cup of coffee if we published an impactful research article'