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‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

Yeah, I’m not gonna do that
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antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, work stories, toxic workplace, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, ceo, toxic boss, bad bosses, toxic work environment

'You should be working 12 hour days': Tech CEO tells employees they aren't working enough, demands they work 8 AM-9 PM Monday-Friday

No, you shouldn't
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job, jobs, job interview, job application, bad jobs, new job, teenagers, teenager, teenage, first job, shady, labor, antiwork, workplace stories, toxic workplace, free labor, internship, birthdays

'Absolutely report her and her business': Shady birthday party company requires 8 weeks of free labor from teenage employees

Yeah, I don't think so
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'I don’t mean to scream’: Nightmare office environment causes employee to put up hilarious sign outside their curtained workspace

Employee in their natural habitat
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terrible coworkers, antiwork, workplace stories, work stories, toxic workplace, manager, work story, work, coworkers, managers, workplace, coworker, toxic work environment

'It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage': Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

That's not how this should work
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company, companies, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, bosses, terrible bosses, donate, donations, pto, money, take my money, antiwork, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, workplace

Billion-dollar company asks $19.95/hour wage workers to donate to colleague: 'I don't make enough to save my coworkers from disaster'

Isn't that your job?
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micromanager, manager, managers, toxic manager, task manager, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, antiwork, work stories, workplace, tardy, late

Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving '2-3 minutes' late from lunch: 'Companies pay people good money to babysit adults'

Nobody likes a backseat driver
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Company rewards loyal employee's 10 years of work with 20¢ raise: 'Wow now you can afford that hot tub'

That's less than a gumball
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paycheck, payroll, pay, payment, payday, money, saving money, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, rain, boss, restaurant, restaurant work, reddit

'They are just making up excuses to be lazy': Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

Not a valid excuse
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commute, antiwork, job, work stories, toxic workplace, job, bad jobs, work, toxic management, working, hours, reddit thread, work hours, 9-5, toxic work environment

'They stopped paying for your lunch': Workers contemplate why 9-5s became 9-6s and 8-5s

We've got to fight for our time
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, company, toxic boss, overtime, hours, pto, workweek, vacation

'So...6% pay rise for everyone?': Company mandates 42.5 hour work week, does not offer overtime

So not cool
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work, workplace, coworkers, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, toxic boss, boss, horrible bosses, job, internship, intern, start up

'She wanted buy a soul with a certificate': Unpaid intern stands up to toxic boss forcing her to work weekends

The perils of interning
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job, jobs, bad jobs, on the job, working, workplace, workplace stories reddit, workplace story, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, toxic boss, toxic management, bonus, gift, antiwork, reddit story

Employee is rewarded with a granola bar and dollar store headphones for bringing in $85,000: 'Genuinely ready quit!'

Gee, thanks.
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manager, managers, toxic manager, boss, bosses, toxic boss, terrible bosses, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, reddit, reddit thread

'It's not your job to cover shifts': Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

That is simply not my job
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, illness, sick day, toxic boss, toxic management, reddit, reddit thread

'We are replaceable': Unlucky worker gets swiftly replaced after calling out of one shift

A singular shift?
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Candidate takes a week to consider job offer, recruiter has a biting response: 'Please do not assume you still have an offer from us'

You can't rush a good thing
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