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Toxic Boss Enforces Mandatory Daily Morning Meetings, Forces Workers to Stand

Be glad you don't work here
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'Guess my last day is Friday!': Inconsiderate HR worker flagrantly denies time off request they previously approved

In a strange turn of events
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‘They cheated him out of $377’: Son quits job at father’s company after being conned out of wages

Not on my watch
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'I wasn't even given a single shift': Hotel chain fires employee before they start

New fear unlocked
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'I'd like to rescind my application': Offensive recruiter loses prospective employee over insulting email

Email etiquette is real
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'Boss is on a power trip’: Ridiculous employer reprimands worker for wearing a sweater after clocking out

This is a new low
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Greedy Company Preposterously Asks Employees for Donations for Owner's Holiday Gift

The opposite of a holiday bonus
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management, dogs, toxic manager, employee, toxic workplace, manager, pets, toxic management, time off, toxic boss, shame, managers, toxic work environment

Toxic Management Puts Employee on a "Wall of Shame" For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

How low can you get?
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Interviewer Rejects Candidate After He Guesses The Salary Range Incorrectly

Even after he was okay with the lower salary!
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Cruel Hotel Manager Threatens Termination Over Employee's Hair Dye Stains

That last minute dye job had consequences
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Soulless Company Reprimands Employee for Being Thankful for Family Over Job

That's not what Turkey Day is about
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rules, ok boomer, workplace stories, boomer, teenager, toxic workplace, job, teenage, bad jobs, teenagers, work, boomers, workplace, toxic work environment, toxic manager

Teen Receives Absurd List of "Rules" On Her First Day of Work

Sounds like a pretty cynical worldview
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Unsuspecting Worker Hired and Fired From a Job They Never Knew About

Does that mean they get severance?
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reviews, promotion, boss, antiwork, employee, review, toxic workplace, work, promotions, raise, employees, toxic boss, workplace, hardworking, toxic work environment

Boss Refuses to Give Hardworking Employee a Promotion Because of Uncharacteristically Negative Performance Review

Stringing her along
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schedule, teens, workplace stories, teenager, toxic workplace, thanksgiving, teenagers, work, movie theater, i quit, workplace, quitting, toxic work environment

Movie Theater Makes Teen Work Exorbitant Hours For Thanksgiving Weekend, Her Parents Make Her Quit

Quitting is the new winning
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Boss Plans to Fire Employee After His Father's Passing Because She 'Doesn't Know How Responsible He is'

What a joke
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