

Universally True

Caption that reads, "The entire class: *packing up;* Teacher: sit yo ass down we have 32 seconds left; The entire class: ..." above a bunch of pics of random characters looking annoyed
Via chimrichaldsphd

Sugoi desu ne

Caption that reads, "History teacher mentions Japan; Weebs: ..." above a still of a guy from a TV show saying, "I like where this is going"
Via Kev_55

F*ck It

Caption that reads, "When there is five minutes remaining on your test" above a drawing of a horse that has a rushed, terrible-looking front end
Via richprich

Seize The Means Of Production!

Caption that reads, "English teacher explaining proper nouns: 'Don't forget to capitalize!'" above a pic of Karl Marx
Via NSFWSpaceMagnet

My Biggest Fear As A Kid

Pic of a dog with a sly look on his face with text overlay that reads, "I've eaten your homework and no one will believe one"
Via SuitablyBored

Oh God

Caption that reads, "My teacher left the room during a test so we all started sharing answers. Then I looked up and she was staring right at me" above a pic of a teacher in an air vent staring down into a classroom
Via extrafunyblog

Well, That Does Kind Of Makes Sense

Tweet that reads, "In middle school I typed an entire paper while clicking the space bar twice between each word because I thought that's what double-spaced meant"
Via BigFuckingRocket

'Now, The Problem With The Asymptotic Theory Is...'

Political meme where Donald Trump, who represents 'teacher' is lecturing Nancy Pelosi, who represents 'one kid actually trying to learn;' Mike Pence is sitting in a chair sleeping, representing 'everyone else in the class'
Via Flqmingg

'But First, Coffee'

Caption that reads, "Back of laptop: *exists;* College girls with stickers: ..." above a pic of someone slapping a sponge against a pane of glass
Via SwAg_LaMp
hilarious memes and funny pics

32 Amusing Memes That'll Disintegrate Your Boredom

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The Biggest Pet Peeve

Caption that reads, "When the teacher leaves the cursor on the play bar so it can't disappear" above a pic of Squidward from Spongebob staring intently with text that reads, "Move the mouse"
Via ColBigBoss
funny interesting starter packs

14 Fresh Starter Pack Memes That'll Speak To You On A Spiritual level

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This Can't Be Right

Funny meme about english teachers.
Via GuppyDaBoi
funny high school memes

16 Humorous Memes That'll Accurately Sum Up Your High School Experience

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Pulled A Fast One

Picture of a book with spaghetti coming out of it, with the caption, "When the teacher thinks you're studying but really you're eating spaghetti"

C'mon Teachers, We're Waiting!

Student gave the teacher an anniversary cake after three months passed and the essays still hadn't been graded