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20 Clever Comebacks That Use the Finest Humor and Wit

Real zingers
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'How to respawn my car': The most entertaining Reddit posts of the week (July 19, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 16, 2024)

Clock app shenanigans
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New mom forbids in-laws from seeing her child after their inappropriate delivery room behavior: 'I don't trust them'

Giving birth is not a spectator sport
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reddit thread, reddit, funny reddit, reddit posts, funny, funny posts, social media

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (July 12, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 9, 2024)

The clock don't stop
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reddit posts, reddit, funny reddit, funny, social media, reddit thread, posts, funny posts

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (July 5, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 2, 2024)

A special place
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Redditors Spill the Beans on Those Fleeting, Totally Worth it Moments During the Day

Redditors Spill the Beans on Those Fleeting, Totally Worth it Moments During the Day

It is crucial to cherish the small, ephemeral, and meaningful moments in life that bring us comfort and enable us to face the day at hand. Some individuals find meaning in the scent of the freshly mowed lawn on the way to the bus stop, the melody of a bird tweeting to the rising light, or the sound of a young toddler singing along to Baby Shark. Having said that, while browsing Reddit, I stumbled upon a positive post that posed the question, 'What's a small, everyday pleasure that never fails t…
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Entitled Choosing Beggars That Want to Have Their Cake and Eat It

They think they deserve it
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‘Stop pretending and pay me back’: Man calls out cousin on social media after she flaunts her lavish lifestyle in a post yet refuses to pay him back her $2000 loan

‘Stop pretending and pay me back’: Man calls out cousin on social media after she flaunts her lavish lifestyle in a post yet refuses to pay him back her $2000 loan

This is why it is said you should never believe what you see on social media. People will only show you the parts of their lives they want to share, and those parts are usually a tiny percentage of their actual real life. Social media is merely a photo album for people to look back at and see the highlights of their lives, but never the struggles. The person who wrote this story on Reddit decided to call out on his cousin for trying to appear rich and successful on social media when the reality…
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social media, funny posts, funny, reddit, reddit posts, reddit story, reddit thread

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (June 28, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (June 25, 2024)

Clock app shenanigans
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The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (June 21, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (June 18, 2024)

The clock don't stop
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reddit, funny, weird, funny reddit, reddit posts, reddit stories, social media

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (June 14, 2024)

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
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