

You must be on a quest if you've come to search here. Searching for the search is a arduous task full of danger and glory, and also maybe even a backspace or two. Google provides us with endless fill in the blanks that are truly hysterical and sometimes mildly disturbing. So if you like to see how ridiculous search engines can get, you won't be disappointed.

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Creative Googlers Play Hilarious Game Finding the Most Random Related Questions in Their Google Searches

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Funny dank memes about page 2 of a Google search

'Google Page Two' Memes From The Strangest Depths Of The Internet

It could be said that we take Google for granted, and they make it really easy for us. Like, really easy. The search engine provides answers to our most pressing (and stupid) queries and pushes the most useful information to the top. It's rare that we make it halfway through the results. We save that for creepily searching our dates. Anyway, it's even rarer that we bravely push forward to the second page of results. Because the second page is only for the braves. The second page is a dark and m…
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Okay Then

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Why Is This Not a More Serious Concern?

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Can't Find Them

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The Season is Upon Us

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Good Pick

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Nope, Still Can't Find It

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X-Rated Search Terms Study Shows a Lot of People Are Having Their Own Private Celebrations on St. Patrick's Day

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So Everyone Is Racist?

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