

Funny memes and posts about cringey pyramid schemes | bernie sanders fundraising campaign: girls went high school with who had kid before they turned 20 Works am once again asking five boss babes who want work home | My neck has been KILLING past 3 days. Nothing has helped desperate so tried PanAway youngliving oils. My. Neck. Is. 99% better Thank Crystal! Welp wore off

14+ Pyramid Scheme Memes & Cringeposts

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craigslist, ebay, facebook marketplace, sales, r/crackheadcraigslist, funny, weird, trashy, for sale, memes, selling, deal, fail, cringe, lol, wtf, gross, sex toys, rip off, scam | Be naked at my sister's wedding (Lower East Side) My sister is having an outdoor wedding New Canaan ct May want someone be naked woods and run through wedding order ruin will pay and protect my family R Drive ParktAvenuer Dekalb Avenue craigslist- Map data OpenStreetMap compensation can discuss compensation privately

Very Sus Goods & Services People Tried To Sell Online

These items are probably still available
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twitter, tweets, replies, scam, scamming, swindle, cheat, annoying

Maddening Thread Uncovers How Much Of Our Everyday Lives Are A Scam

One of the most depressing things about growing up is that you learn how so much of life is about drawing the short straw. The world can be a pretty unfair place, and what's worse is that many of these problems are hiding in plain sight. If you sit down and really think about it, it can seem like the whole thing is one big grift . This seems to be the conclusion of a thread started by @ackocher , which asked about everything that is a scam, but isn't obvious about it. People quickly identified …
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work, tiktok, popcorn, concession, funny, videos, exposed, wtf, scam, movies, movie theater, rip off

Worker Exposes Movie Popcorn Scam & Other Concession Secrets

Never order the medium popcorn
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odd weird craigslist ads

Strange & Funny Craigslist Ads Posted By People Who Tried Their Best

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siblings, tires, cars, brother, sister, mechanic, scam, funny, tiktok

Girl Causes Brother’s Meltdown After Paying $100 To Put Air In Tires

Supportive sibling relationships >
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Honest Ads from Cracked, Recycling

Cracked's 'Honest Ads' Is Back, And This One Tackles Recycling

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twitter thread, funny thread, comments, funny tweets, lemonade, parenting, kids, scam, money

People Are Taking a Kid's Lemonade Hustle Way Too Seriously

Typical Twitter
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makeup fails, woman overdrawing her lips with her lipstick, girl painting half her face orange

Younique Makeup Fails That Are the Definition of a Scam

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Funny memes and social media posts about multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes | Facebook group Absolutely no MLM companies or products can be advertised this group" MLM huns: Huh wonder who 's . Garfield stop sign | No matter bad things may seem 2020 will remind myself could be trapped pyramid scheme convinced am an entrepreneur. Like Reply 1d aware sell Hempworx right? 1 Like Reply 1d yes s have do with my post? Like Reply 1d 's an insult lol Ib 1 Like Reply 1d

15 MLM Cringeposts From Bossbabes And 'Entrepreneurs' Alike

"Hey hun!"
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Funny text message story about a scammer who requests money via Apple Pay | Hello is neighbor with some car trouble can assist My neighbor am experiencing car trouble and left my wallet mistakingly at home Is this Jeff? Yes Oh should've said so can just grab wallet and bring am far away bring could send Apple Pay and will pay back shortly

Dude's 'Neighbor' Asks For Money, Proving Scammers Keep Getting More Creative

They just keep getting better!
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Funny and cringey memes about pyramid schemes | interesting Today 12:19 p.m. Hey girl, have ever tried essential oils before feel like 's something totally jibes with personality Hey girl! Have ever shown an interest my life or my personality beyond trying hawk MLM products | hey see love coffee! if Y cOuld just suit+ch ur coffee and lose 10-30 lbs would looking few product models who will get use my discount! are interested 12:45 PM rather crap my hands and clap no need be rude hun Blocked

16 MLM Cringeposts For Boss Babes And 'Entrepreneurs' Alike

Psst, wanna be your own #BossBabe?
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Guy's 'Aunt' Tries To Scam Him Over Facebook So He Whips Out Some Grade-A Trolling | Hello are doing? Hey Aunt Christine doing well thank is everyone doing there can now call each other and see information like Active Status and read messages. Doing wonderfully great. Hope everything is going on fine with Yep can't complain stationed San Diego. My wife and kids are back Va Okay. Good hear. Ahh ok heeere we go

Guy's 'Aunt' Tries To Scam Him Over Facebook So He Whips Out Some Grade-A Trolling

Scammers are getting more and more banal. In the days of yore, they pretended to be Nigerian princes, literal royalty, in order to get money from the most vulnerable and gullible people they could possibly scam. Now, scammers are so boring. They pretend to be family members in need of money. They make fake Venmo accounts with your name and face on them, and Venmo requests your friends and family $400 for “grocery money” The glamour and theatrics that once defined the online scammer industry hav…
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Funny video sketch about when your friend gets involved in a pyramid scheme

Video Sketch About That One Friend Who Gets Involved With A Pyramid Scheme

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Facebook story about a woman who faked her own death to get free clothes | am going through my wife's phone. She on way this morning and hit head on my person texting and did not make This is her husband do l pay this bill know much she wanted this and iam going have her buried. have been touch with police hacked into and my brother is police office found out who is! They also sent doesn't take this down i am pressing charges against her did not message her order her nothing s crazy wrote police

Cheap Lady Fakes Own Death Just To Get A Free LulaRoe Dress

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Ask Me!

Funny meme that reads, "Girls you went to high school with who had a kid before they turned 20" above a photoshopped image of Bernie Sanders asking for "five boss babes who want to work from home"
Via anlyin