

viral tiktok account is rickrolling it's viewers

Viral TikToker Who Zooms-In On Places From Google Maps Is Rickrolling It's Viewers

Rickrolling has made its way to the 21st century app TikTok. This man will never go away. He is taking over TikTok, his last branch of taking over the entire Internet, and next he will take over the world.
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You Know The Rules And So Do I

funny memes, memes, rickroll
Via dailyhood
Twitter users respond to Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up Remastered in 4k

People Really Hate Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' 4k Remaster

Rickrolling just got a lot crisper.
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Funny rickroll meme where you have to say the opposite of six words that turns out to be "never gonna give you up" | Say the opposite of these words: 1 )Always. 2)Coming. 3)From. 4)Take. 5)Me. 6)Down. *2008 teens*
Via dragongod531337

Tell Me Why

Tweet that reads, "A quick grammar lesson! Doesn't = does not; they're = they are; you're = you are; my fire = the one desire; believe = when I say; I want it = that way
Via PedoBob

It Was Only a Matter of Time...

rickroll Memes image - 8772000256
Created by ScottTheAmazing
Music sandstorm rickroll darude Video - 66867457

Song Name?

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Web Developer Bypasses 6-Second Upload Limit on Vine, Crashes the Site

twitter android rickroll vine rickrolled rick astley funny failbook - 7537598208
Via The Verge

2007 Called, They Want Their Joke Back

rickroll Joseph Ducreux - 7145384960
See all captions Created by LOLZ_Gabby

Tasty, Tasty Trolling

rickroll rick astley - 6720398080
Created by PetePete

Wanna See My Cross-Stitching?

IRL rickroll voting-page - 6594768128
Created by meowmeowvivian

They Look So Damn Tasty

rickroll voting-page - 6580111104
Created by Guilherme.didi

Meme Madness: Classics Victory!

classics gifs gun meme madness Memes rickroll Spider-Man - 5981203200
meme madness Pokémon rickroll Video - 35463169

MEME MADNESS: The Very Best Rickroll

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MEME MADNESS: Nirvana Give You Up

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MEME MADNESS: Guile's Theme Goes with Everything

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