

Reddit thread about a crazy toxic evil boss manager fires employee after going through her purse and finding a job application

Toxic Boss Looks Through Employees Purse, Fires Her After Finding Job Application

So many bosses want excessive access to their employees in manners that cross some boundaries. On the first day of my first restaurant job, I asked one of the assistant managers if I could leave at 9 PM since, on the schedule, my shift ended at 9 PM. He laughed at me, said, “it's good you didn't ask that when the manager was around,” and we continued working. At the time, I felt like such an idiot because I had never had a job before, so I assumed all jobs were like that. Now I just realize thi…
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stranger, stink eye, video, debate, drinking, partying, dumb, wtf, twitter

Woman Gets Accused of Stink Eye After Being in the Background of Someone Else's Video

Terminal Main Character Syndrome
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sushi, food, chicken, tiktok, twitter, reaction, dumb, rude, wtf, why, restaurant, annoying

Fussy Eater Enrages Internet by Filming Herself Gagging While Trying Sushi

How bad can it be?
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europe, united kingdom, twitter, tips, united state, americans, Twitter Thread, debate, tipping, restaurant, British, tweets, american, European union, twitter discourse, culture

'Go live in a country that pays service workers a livable wage': Europeans and Americans Debate The Validity of American Tipping Culture

Tipping culture in America is pretty straightforward. If you're eating at a sit-down restaurant, it's expected that you tip your waiter 20% of the cost of your meal in total. This system is in place because paying servers far less than the minimum wage is legal and common, with restaurant owners assuming most of their income will be supplied by tips. Tipped employees in some U.S. states can make as little as $2.13 per hour , which is why it's so important to tip them 20%. Many Europeans visitin…
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A Reddit story about a crazy boss who demands restaurant employees sign an NDA and not talk about their work for 25 years

Crazy Boss Makes Employees Sign an NDA Saying They Can't Speak About Their Job For 25 Years

One of life's greatest pleasures is being able to complain about a job you hate . If I wasn't able to tell my close friends and family about the annoying customers and often more annoying coworkers at my customer service jobs, then I don't know how I would be able to survive. Even when things weren't so bad at work, it's fun to share work stories. When I worked at a dog bakery, a customer told me she owned a dog funeral parlor. I was so taken aback that all I could say was, “I'm sorry" To that,…
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People share stories about quitting their jobs, restaurant workers

Restaurant Workers Share All Their Best-Ever Quitting Stories

I've never quit a job . Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I can endure a situation far longer than is healthy for me. Lord knows I've spent years in relationships that didn't serve me. I slogged through the toxicity because change is scary. I once stayed at a job for seven years even though they only gave me a single raise, and forced me to work in a non-heated, building with no electricity in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. I want to be more like the people who throw in the t…
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restaurant, restaurants, fine dining, kitchen, chef, cooking, mistake, reddit

Restaurant Employees Share Spectacular Fails From Fresh Hires

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25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

Stupid people are everywhere.
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server, waiter, tables, restaurant, coworkers, malicious complaince, revenge, reddit

'Go ahead, I could use a break': Co-worker Tries to Take Tables from Star Server, Suffers from Malicious Compliance

More work ≠ more tips
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restaurant, restaurants, server, waiter, chef, cook, behind the scenes, food, secrets, tiktok

Former Restaurant Worker Reveals Juicy Secrets of the Industry

There are many
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food, restaurant, karen, complaint, social media, funny, facebook, customer

Sassy Restaurant Calls Out Entitled Karen Who Refused To Wait For Food

She deserved it
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Service Industry Workers Are Sharing the Different Worlds That Are the Back of House vs the Front of House

Service Industry Workers Share the Different Worlds of Back of House and Front of House

Servers are going to another dimension when they walk from your table to the kitchen…
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Memes about server,s back of house, line cooks. restaurant work

Restaurant Memes For Servers & Back of House Alike

If you're an Anthony Bourdain fan, or have worked service, you may have seen this quote pop up during your internet travels: ‘You can always tell when a person has worked in a restaurant. There’s an empathy that can only be cultivated by those who’ve stood between a hungry mouth and a $28 pork chop, a special understanding of the way a bunch of motley misfits can be a family. Service industry work develops the “soft skills” recruiters talk about on LinkedIn — discipline, promptness, the ability…
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food, fast food, junk food, restaurant, takeout, delicious, food service, malicious compliance

Appetizing Times Food Service Workers Complied To Silly Special Requests

Taking things literally
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Woman wrongly fired for calling out roach infestation at Nashville bar

Nashville Bartender Fired For Calling Out Roach-Infested Workplace

Anyone who has worked at a restaurant, bar, or combination of the two knows that pests like fruit flies, gnats, and roaches are no joke. Any sort of infestation can do damage to the business's reputation and can cause major drama with the Department of Health. While a bug here or there is something that's hard to avoid, if a bar or restaurant is overtaken by flies or visible roaches, things must be really, really bad. Any self-respecting business owner would call in professionals to handle a pe…
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dine and dash, customer service, service industry, work, antiwork, server, restaurant, horrible bosses, reddit, reddit thread

Customers Dine & Dash at Restaurant, Boss Tries to Force Server to Cover Cost

Serving is a thankless job. Often caught between a horrible boss breathing down their neck and a table of customers from hell, a server only has a paycheck and tips to look forward to. One redditor vented to r/antiwork about their sister's shady employer , who had the nerve to charge her $200 after her table decided to dine and dash. So, not only did she miss out on a good tip, but her job was putting her into debt. Redditors in the comment section were rightfully indignant, urging OP to report…
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