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Created by FailKangaroo

If Browsers Were Presidents

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The Real Mitt Romney

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Crafty Politicians

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Via Reddit user Omnes

Talk About Excessive Force...

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Created by stevieb0y

Laughing Presidents

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Created by Unknown

Success Nixon

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Created by Long_Dong_Silver

Hipster Lincoln

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Created by Unknown

Presidential Pickup Lines

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Senior Freshman: Ask Not What Your Country Can Screw For You...

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My Dad Totally Looks Like President Grant

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Created by BranMuffin

William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs Totally Looks Like President Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Created by Jollywood999

Cornelius Fudge (Robert Hardy) Totally Looks Like President Andrew Jackson

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TLL Classics: Franklin Roosevelt Totally Looks Like The Penguin

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I AM a Crook

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Created by pyro8891