

It's Really Demanding Too

Tumblr post where someone asks how they can uninstall their period; someone replies, "I think if you download pregnancy it blocks it for a few months but then you get a really annoying loud pop-up that doesn't go away for 18 years"
Via KikiThePotatoCat

Emily Is My Spirit Animal

Caption that reads, "We feel you Emily" above a pic of family member couples who are "Excited, expecting, engaged," and "Emily"
Via anangryspartan
Comic About Being A New Mom

Comic About The Trials Of Being A New Mom Is A Hilarious Way To Scare The Pregnant Women In Your Life

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I Mean, Why Not

Caption that reads, "His girlfriend forgot about the scheduled maternity shoot and made other plans. Woke King decided his money won't go down the drain just like that" above pics of a guy posing with McDonald's
Via cinezaurus

Dear God Make it Go Away

Tumblr post that reads, "Where can I uninstall my period? I think if you download pregnancy it blocks it for a few months but then you get a really annoying pop-up that doesn't go away for 18 years"
Via Foxeir

Too Real

Funny meme about food baby.
Via god

Both Are True

Tweet that reads, "Get pregnant, you'll find out who your real friends are. I promise you that." Someone replies that they don't have to do all that to find out who their real friends are
Via FierceDeityMask

Fire Your Ad Team

Funny meme about pregnancy test advertisement, woman looks like she is pregnant, why would she need a pregnancy test to tell her that?
Via lordmegacop

Yes, Definitely The Vaccines

Funny meme in the starter pack format, about anti-vaxxers.
Via Spicy Designer Memes
Collection of MArio and Luigi fan art depicting the zodiac signs as pregnant luigi.

The 12 Zodiac Signs As Pregnant Luigi

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wtf pregnant Video - 83191297

Youtuber Highlights a Very Real Danger Associated With Pregnancy: Misspellings

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You Just Carry Around a Pin for That Reason?

web comics pregnant saying You Just Carry Around a Pin for That Reason?
Via mapentertainments

Only a Couple More Miles and That Things Is Ready to Hatch

pokemon go pregnant - 8972006144
Via @BlancheLeader

The First Sign of Pregnancy

web comics pregnant dad jokes The First Sign of Pregnancy
Via doodleforfood

The Bellyscope

failbook facebook pregnant - 8967782912
Via distinguishedbaloney

Too Young

parenting pregnant - 8817255680
Via lacesoutdom