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‘I care more about the Super Bowl than your baby’: Woman schedules her baby shower on super bowl to test friendship circle, internet reacts

Get your game faces on
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'Talk to a lawyer': Company fires pregnant woman 12 hours before birth, creates perfect storm for a lawsuit

She needs to sue.
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Weekly Internet Roundup: Tech Layoff Clapbacks, Orange Peel Theory, and King Charles vs. Trisha Paytas

Another normal few days online.
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'She's pretty much trying to steal your child': Overbearing mother-in-law throws a baby shower for herself, but it's not her baby

In-law horrors
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Dude Leaves Pregnant Girlfriend Home Alone During Birth To Go On Vacation for 3 Weeks

Father of the year
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Selfish Fiancé Chooses Family Vacation Over Pregnant Partner Days Before Due Date

Dad mode not activated
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People Share The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Have Said to Them

The doctor is not always right
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Soon-To-Be Father Kicks Inconsiderate Sister Out of His Home After She Repeatedly Steals Pregnant Wife’s Fruit

Have you ever had a housemate who's eaten your food despite repeated requests for them not to? It's a far too common occurrence. Working a long shift, looking forward to your leftovers at home, just to find that a disrespectful roommate has remorselessly consumed them. It's beyond irritating. But what if it wasn't your roommate? What if it was your sister who's living rent-free in your home? And what if it wasn't your food, but food specifically bought to satiate your pregnant wife's cravings?…
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Lousy Husband Gets Roasted for Complaining About No Longer Being Attracted to Pregnant Wife

He didn't need to say this on the internet
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'The lash was her 13th reason': Hormonal, pregnant sister totally snaps when she goes out for lunch; everyone gets flummoxed when emotional rollercoaster unfolds

The pregnancy hormones are not messing around
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'They can't afford a child': Couple asks friends and family to finance their $27,000 IVF treatment, get offended when their sibling refuses to give them $10,000

'They can't afford a child': Couple asks friends and family to finance their $27,000 IVF treatment, get offended when their sibling refuses to give them $10,000

"Their future child is not my responsibility"
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People Share The Worst Things To Say in an Elevator

Elevators are one of the most uncomfortable social environments the public has to offer. You're trapped in a tube with a bunch of strangers. You're packed incredibly closely with people of all different hygienic statuses. Worst of all, you're supposed to stay silent to avoid making people uncomfortable. Everybody's already uncomfortable in an elevator, and casual conversation is unlikely to solve this problem. If there's one thing I respect, it's the ability to clear out a crowded elevator . El…
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20+ Relatable Menstrual Memes for Cranky Crones Suffering From Crippling Cramps and Mood Swings

Aunt Flo is always an unwelcome visitor
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Power-Tripping Mom Trashes Pregnant Daughter-In-Law's Special Dinner, Gets Put In Her Place

If you've ever scrolled through subreddits like r/AmITheAsshole, you might have noticed that there are way too many examples of spouses choosing their controlling parents ' needs over their partner's . But once in a while you come across a refreshing instance of someone standing by their significant other, even in the face of an entitled in-law from hell. When u/dadof2throwWay 's mother decided to throw away his pregnant wife's rotisserie chicken (that she'd been craving for days), he wasn't ab…
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Reddit thread about a rude guy who calls his brother ugly in front of his blind girlfriend after announcing her pregnancy

Rude Guy Calls His Brother Ugly in Front of His Blind Girlfriend After Her Pregnancy Announcement

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to date as a blind person . I'm sure every hack has a hot take about who would date a blind person, and they're all pretty insulting. "This guy is so ugly; he could only pull a blind chick!" "Good thing he can't see her because if he could, he'd be in for a rude awakening." News flash: blind people are not clueless about the nuances of attractiveness just because they do not experience sight the same way sighted people do. Blindness does not make people…
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A compilation of memes about pregnancy and being pregnant

Pregnancy Memes For Expecting Mothers Who Need a Good Laugh

The brilliant minds of Yahoo Answers inspired one of the funniest viral videos asking a seemingly simple question : “Am I Pregant? Am I pragnent? Am i pargant? Am i gregnant? Am i pegnate?? Help!? Is there a possibly that i’m pegrent? Am I pregegant or am I okay? Could I be pregonate?How do I know if I’M prengan? Can i be pregnant???? Can u get pregnant...? Can u bleed while u are pergert? Can u down a 20 foot waterslide pegnat? How can i get my gf pragnet? What happen when get pergenat? How ca…
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