

menstruation menstrual period period-memes memes female feminine periods relatable women women's-memes female funny mood-swing pms midol pregnant uterus meme

20+ Relatable Menstrual Memes for Cranky Crones Suffering From Crippling Cramps and Mood Swings

Aunt Flo is always an unwelcome visitor
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controlling, family drama, family, relationships, mother in law, pregnant, aita, am i the asshole, reddit, reddit thread

Power-Tripping Mom Trashes Pregnant Daughter-In-Law's Special Dinner, Gets Put In Her Place

If you've ever scrolled through subreddits like r/AmITheAsshole, you might have noticed that there are way too many examples of spouses choosing their controlling parents ' needs over their partner's . But once in a while you come across a refreshing instance of someone standing by their significant other, even in the face of an entitled in-law from hell. When u/dadof2throwWay 's mother decided to throw away his pregnant wife's rotisserie chicken (that she'd been craving for days), he wasn't ab…
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Reddit thread about a rude guy who calls his brother ugly in front of his blind girlfriend after announcing her pregnancy

Rude Guy Calls His Brother Ugly in Front of His Blind Girlfriend After Her Pregnancy Announcement

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to date as a blind person . I'm sure every hack has a hot take about who would date a blind person, and they're all pretty insulting. "This guy is so ugly; he could only pull a blind chick!" "Good thing he can't see her because if he could, he'd be in for a rude awakening." News flash: blind people are not clueless about the nuances of attractiveness just because they do not experience sight the same way sighted people do. Blindness does not make people…
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A compilation of memes about pregnancy and being pregnant

Pregnancy Memes For Expecting Mothers Who Need a Good Laugh

The brilliant minds of Yahoo Answers inspired one of the funniest viral videos asking a seemingly simple question : “Am I Pregant? Am I pragnent? Am i pargant? Am i gregnant? Am i pegnate?? Help!? Is there a possibly that i’m pegrent? Am I pregegant or am I okay? Could I be pregonate?How do I know if I’M prengan? Can i be pregnant???? Can u get pregnant...? Can u bleed while u are pergert? Can u down a 20 foot waterslide pegnat? How can i get my gf pragnet? What happen when get pergenat? How ca…
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A Reddit story about a woman who got shamed by her CEO for going to the emergency room for dehydration

CEO Shames Pregnant Employee For Going to the Emergency Room

Nobody wants to have a medical emergency , yet sometimes we get shamed or scolded when we do. It's common for people, especially women, to be accused of faking or exaggerating symptoms. Why? Who knows. Usually, the accusation goes that a woman in severe pain is trying to get drugs, attention, or both. It is incredibly dehumanizing to those suffering from excruciating ailments to be dismissed or told that they're making it all up. This kind of dismissal doesn't only happen within the confines of…
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A story about a crazy Karen who gets angry at a mother for explaining pregnancy to her young son

Delusional Karen Scolds Mother For Explaining Pregnancy To Her Son

Sex Education is one of those topics that some people have a challenging time breaching with their kids. My parents were never the kind of people to try to tell me some hogwash about a stork and a baby; They were not in the business of baloney. I don't remember the exact moment when I realized what sex was because it was more of a gradual conversation throughout many years and, therefore, not so shocking to me. The one thing I do remember about our most memorable birds and the bees talk is that…
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A Reddit AITA story about a pregnant maid of honor who gets banned from being photographed at her best friends wedding

Bridezilla Forbids Her Pregnant Maid of Honor From Being Photographed at Her Wedding

If there's one thing I've learned from Reddit's AITA posts, it's that it doesn't take a lot to make a lot of brides angry. The biggest taboos regarding weddings are actions that allegedly distract or take away from the bride . The two biggest wedding faux pas are wearing the wrong color dress (especially white) and getting proposed to during the reception. Now, these things, I can kind of understand. Personally, I can't imagine caring so much about a party that someone other than me getting att…
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Funniest Pregnancy Memes for Anyone Who Definitely Didn’t Know What They Signed Up For

Funniest Pregnancy Memes for Anyone Who Definitely Didn’t Know What They Signed Up For

Memes to go along with your morning sickness
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Woman in Labor Goes Viral for Deliriously Singing ABBA's "Mama Mia" Along to a Medical Device Beeping, Dad Joins In

Woman in Labor Goes Viral for Deliriously Singing ABBA's "Mama Mia" Along to a Medical Device Beeping, Dad Joins In

I mean, she wasn't wrong—the alarm was very much on beat with ABBA.
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baby, pregnancy., ex, ex boyfriend, awkward, relationships, hospital, tiktok, coincidence

Woman Goes To Maternity Ward, Realizes She’s There With Her Ex And His Wife

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Funny story about pregnant woman's strange in-laws

Woman's Story About Crazy In-Laws' Plush-Mice Obsession Is A Wild Ride

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Funny revenge story about pregnant woman who gets revenge on her husband with seam rippers, Tumblr, Tumblr stories

Quick Tumblr Tale of Pregnant Rage and Petty Revenge

A wonderfully entertaining combo.
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Mom Stop

Funny meme that reads, "Whenever my mom is losing an argument with me" above an image of Spongebob holding a box with the writing, "I carried you for nine months"
Via dogsarebetterhummas24
Funny memes about being pregnant | is this a pigeon? IS THIS. CONTRACTION? BRAXTON HICKS | LETS GET PREGNANT 2020! LET'S GET PREGNANT 2020! GLOBAL PANDEMIC

Fifteen Pregnancy Memes For All The Moms-To-Be

Men will never understand this pain.
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Sure Grandma

Funny meme about how older people accuse the younger generation of being sex-crazed above a photo of a mid-century couple with 16 children | Grandma: All people think about is sex these days
Via citruswater

How Bout Neither

Funny tweet that reads, "Birth control be like well do u want depression or do u want a baby"
Via WillowTiaQuinn