

Thanks Cloakman!

Neighborhood sign that warns people about "Cloakman," imitating a neighborhood crime watch sign
Via battlemage64


Caption that reads, "'It's all good in the hood,' I replied cheerfully. But deep down I knew there were many socio-economic problems in the hood" above a pic of a black man crying
Via ThatGuyWithTheBinoculorsOnDiscountHothInEpisode8

Keep Close Kids

Caption that reads, "'Mommy why does that man have wires on his Airpods?' 'Come on kids, this neighborhood isn't safe'" above a pic of a fish family from Spongebob walking and wearing Airpods
Via babygurl.spamz_


Caption that reads, "'It's all good in the hood,' I replied cheerfully. But deep down I knew there were many socioeconomic problems in the hood" above a stock photo of a woman crying
Via ODonnell216

The Most Disappointing House in the Neighborhood

candy halloween holidays neighborhood Sad the most interesting man in the world - 5399188224
Created by Unknown
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