
Homeowner Creates Wholesome Activity for the Entire Neighborhood By Getting Passerby to Pick What Color She Should Paint Her Eclectic House, Goes Viral

Homeowner Creates Wholesome Activity for the Entire Neighborhood By Getting Passerby to Pick What Color She Should Paint Her Eclectic House, Goes Viral

'If you want it done, do it yourself': Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it's too expensive

'If you want it done, do it yourself': Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it's too expensive

'Don't tell me I'm devaluing your house, or I will': Woman complies with HOA to get back at neighbors who insist her unsightly driveway is devaluing their house that's for sale

'Don't tell me I'm devaluing your house, or I will': Woman complies with HOA to get back at neighbors who insist her unsightly driveway is devaluing their house that's for sale

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'Messages left by huskies are hard to ignore': Fiery neighbor starts beef with the small dog owner across the street after discovering daily ‘presents’ on their lawn

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'She reported my vehicle as abandoned': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

'We called up our landlord': Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

'We called up our landlord': Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

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'She reported my insured and used vehicle as abandoned': Karen calls bylaw on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

Neighborhood Environmentalist Takes Neighbors to Court After They Cut Down the 100 Year Old White Oak Tree in Their Own Front Yardupr

Neighborhood Environmentalist Takes Neighbors to Court After They Cut Down the 100 Year Old White Oak Tree in Their Own Front Yard

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Grinchy Karen Leaves a Scathing Note for her Neighbor, Bashing Their Boisterous Christmas Decor; Goes Viral

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Pesky Neighbor Calls Cops Over a Few Stray Leaves, Gets Swift and Sweet Comeuppance

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Neighborhood Karen Tries to Guilt-Trip a Lady to Take Down Her 12-Foot Skeleton Because Her Kid is Afraid; Skeleton Earns the Full Support of the Internet

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HOA Resident Proposes Neighborhood Should Enforce a Dress Code to Drive up Property Values

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Resident Gets Payback Against a Bitter HOA Board Member, Revving Their Engine and Driving in Low Gears (Which are Obnoxiously Loud) to Comply With Anti-Speeding Legislature

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'This is what you get without an HOA': Snooty Man Gets Mocked After Complaining About Neighbor Not Joining Homeowner Association

Funny posts from Best of NextDoor

Funny Times Nextdoor Brought the Petty to the Neighborhood

AITA: 'Peeping Tom kids': Teenager gets scolded by the neighborhood Karen for watching a horror movie with his curtains open

AITA: 'Peeping Tom kids': Teenager scolded by neighborhood Karen for watching a horror movie because snooping children stared into his living room