

When the Moon hit's your eye like a big pizza pie you're blind Copernicus you got hit by a celestial body the size of Australia right in the face. 

Wow So Beautiful

Caption that reads, "Here's a picture of the super moon in case you missed it" above a pic of a tortilla stuck to a glass door
Via aoui

What A Genius Idea!

Girl asks Yahoo Answers why humans haven't been able to walk on the sun yet; someone responds that they could do it at night, and the girl replies that that's a great idea
Via JackStone98999

A Magical Moment

Funny meme about solar eclipse using moon and sun emojis.
Via masipopal

Seriously Moon, Get Over Yourself

moon stress image - 8996808704
Via elijahdaniel

Won't See That For Another 75 Years, at Least!

image super moon Won't See That For Another 75 Years, at Least!
Via friend_of_bae


moon - 8990017792
Via memewhore
list moon photoshop battle - 1145349

The Super Moon Was Photographed Hanging Over an Oil Refinery Chimney So It Became a Photoshop Battle

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twitter moon parody science - 1139973

The Internet Simply Refuses to Take the Supermoon Seriously

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Is That a Tortilla?

moon DIY image - 8981740544
Via iztac-coatl
list moon trolling space - 877829

The Photoshops of This Amazing Photo of the Earth and Moon Just Proves That the Internet Can Ruin Anything

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Apparently Earth Has a Second Moon Now, so That's Chill

Via quarktees

Mission Accomplished

Via Poorly Drawn Lines

That Self Burn Was Outta This World

moon p3n0r - 8759932928

The Dark Side of the Moon

web comics moon dark The Dark Side of the Moon
Via quarktees

Someone Needs to Tell Him to Stop Making Waves

web comics mondays moon Someone Needs to Tell Him to Stop Making Waves
Via unearthedcomics

You Can't Land on a Star

web comics space You Can't Land on a Star
Via seangarbelman