

People are so Racially Sensitive These Days

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Created by xaffable ( Via Don't Even Reply )

A Look at the Radio Spectrum

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What Else Do You Need?

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Created by mittins1

And Forget Using the "Popcorn" Setting

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Created by _AfterDarkness_ ( Via A.F. Harrold )

Brace your Tongue

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Created by randomgeneratedname

Lava Hot or Iceberg Cold

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Better Get It Right

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Rage Comics: Who Needs a Red Wire When You've Got One Big Button

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Created by andy_187

The Hell Is That Smell?

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Created by dpDaniPearl

GraphJam: Warm and Fragrant

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Created by Garrett858

Microwave Smelting

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Following Instructions to the Letter

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Created by MarianasTrench604

Let 'Em Fry

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That Doesn't Seem Kosher

hot dog microwave Rage Comics - 5042189568
Created by templeH


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