
men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.


Shampoo advertised for both men and 'apricot' with the caption, "Are you a boy or an APRICOT'
Via aquastar9999981337

Def Can't Have Both

Tweet that reads, "Men: I want a girl who can drink as many beers as me and orders a burger and fries instead of salad; Also men: She can't be fat though lol"
Via yesiwillshameyourgrammar

Somebody Had To Say It

"Car dudes are the male equivalent to horse girls"
Via anlyin
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The 'Four Words Every Girl Wants To Hear' Meme Got Real Weird Real Fast

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We're All Livestock, Aren't We?

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See all captions Created by HeartOfNature

Getting Ready To Leave

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If You Talk Like This Guy, Don't Be Surprised if You're Alone on Valentine's Day

Via Smoke_And_A_Pancake
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Every Man Assembles the War Room When He Gets a Text From a Cute Girl

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We've Found Him, the King of the Douchebags!

Via FoxyJazzabelle
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Dudes: Could You Pick Your Own Butt Out of a Lineup?

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You've Been Marked!

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Via Bro My God

"Also I Found a Toenail"

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Via Bits and Pieces

How Could You Be So Inconsiderate?

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Via Acidcow

We Call It "The Metamorphosis"

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Created by Unknown

Double Standards in Action

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