
men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

girlfriend, boyfriend, women, men, relationships, husband, creepy, twitter thread, tiktok

Women Split Opinion Sharing Schemes They Used to Get Boyfriends

It's a lot of effort
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boyfriend, ex boyfriend, men, women, relationships, cheating, lying, crazy, twitter thread, liars, lies

Women Share the Wildest Lies They Were Told by Men They Dated

True audacity
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female, women, relationships, logic, men, male, wtf, dumb, feminism

Just a Bunch of Dimwits Who Have No Idea How Women Work

Because girls have cooties.
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A compilation of posts from incels who don't understand women

Insane Posts From Dudes Who Clearly Don't Understand Women

There are so many underbellies of the internet that expose just how much some men truly hate women. They are obsessed with dehumanizing women and seeing them as none other than baby-making machines, put on this earth to be a submissive companion for a man. Even though seeing such blatant sexism can be kind of depressing, it can also be kind of amusing that people actually think like this. My favorite trad hot take is that women were “gatherers” of berries and nuts in ancient civilizations, and…
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gender, men, women, men vs women, askreddit, askmen, interesting

Men Advise On All the Most Fun Things Women Could Do If They Were the Opposite Gender for One Day

Expert advice
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A TikTok about a husband who thinks his wife pees and gives birth from the same place.

Clueless Dude Thinks His Wife Pees and Gives Birth From the Same Place

Guys of all ages can be kind of clueless about women's bodies. I know a guy who thought women could hold in their period blood as one holds in their pee. It's not necessarily men's fault when they know so little; Sex education programs have been cut for decades, and even when men start getting with women, a lot of basic information can simply slip under the cracks. However, one would think by the time a guy is married, he would be a bit more knowledgeable about the female anatomy. Unfortunately…
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Tumblr thread about men and women friendship, relationships, incels

Fascinating Tumblr Thread Discusses the Depressing Dynamics of Male/Female Friendships

Have you ever found out that a guy you thought was your friend was telling people you " friend zoned " him? The situation is not uncommon. As a thirty-something year old woman, it's been an interesting time navigating the world of male/female friendships. While I have quite a few good male friends who haven't shown any sign of romantic or sexual interest , there were plenty who resented their platonic designation. I'd hear about their frustration second-hand, and question the entire basis of ou…
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Funny dank memes entitled, 'Girls vs. Boys' | Person - Girls during puberty hate my mom! Boys during puberty brizandbio.memes | Girls: ugh, she's wearing same clothes as Boys: 00 8 18 8

'Boys Vs. Girls' Memes Are Gender Rivalry At Its Finest

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funny memes about nice guys

'You'll Never Understand My Pain' Is A Sarcastic Meme Comparing Life's Hilarious Hardships

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Chart illustration of men and women with yellow coloring over different parts of their bodies and a text caption below that reads, "See the shocking truth about what mustard does to your body depending on where you slather it on yourself"
Via VHS95
Funny period memes and comics, menstruation.

24 Menstrual Memes For All The Ladies In The Struggle

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Huh, Fair Point

Tweet that reads, "Women hate cargo shorts because it reveals the tactical inferiority of purses"
Via Zabernite1234


Shampoo advertised for both men and 'apricot' with the caption, "Are you a boy or an APRICOT'
Via aquastar9999981337

Def Can't Have Both

Tweet that reads, "Men: I want a girl who can drink as many beers as me and orders a burger and fries instead of salad; Also men: She can't be fat though lol"
Via yesiwillshameyourgrammar

Somebody Had To Say It

"Car dudes are the male equivalent to horse girls"
Via anlyin
men funny tweets funny twitter men vs women women dating relationships - 5579525

The 'Four Words Every Girl Wants To Hear' Meme Got Real Weird Real Fast

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