

It's a me Mario! If you've got a thing for the world's favorite animated plumber and generational hero, then you'll get a barrel of laughs and power up from these jokes.

We're Doomed

Funny meme about walugi, mario, yeet, education, school
Via abbiistabbii
princess peach kirby gaming funny memes luigi video games wii mario nintendo yoshi tumblr - 7708933

15 Peachy Nintendo Memes That Will Kirby Your Boredom

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Takes two to tango

Caption that reads, "When she texts you back after five hours so you text her back 12 hours later" above a pic of Yoshi saying, "These games are for two players"
Via battenburgers

The Struggle Is Real

Funny meme, dj khaled, suffering from success, mario kart.
Via @memebase
cursed images, photosop

39 Cursed Images That Are Just Plain Wrong

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Damn Straight

Funny reddit post
Via reddit

...That's A Good Question

Caption that reads, "Why is Daisy slapping Mario's ass in an official Nintendo thumbnail?" above a still from Super Smash Bros Ultimate where Daisy is slapping top-hat Mario's ass
Via Sevault
super smash bros mario memes

The Smash Bros Ultimate Release Is Inspiring Some Hot 'N' Spicy Memes And Reactions

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Finally, We Know The Lyrics!

Fake lyrics to the Hanson song 'Mmmbop' that read, "Mmmbop, Dippin' Dots on Roombas, then photoshop some Goombas, it is not a Toomah, yeaah yeeaah"
Via JakeFromHighSchool
cover image about smash bros and pokemon

16 Nintendo Memes That'll Give You A Wii Chuckle

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Everyone Knows This Feeling

Caption that reads, "When you invite your friend out and they show up with their other friend you can't stand" above a still from a Mario game where Toad says, "Oh. Luigi came too. Super"
Via nothingtowritehomeabout
dank memes Pokémon hide the pain harold Drake shrek surprised pikachu normies Cats mario jo38ma3 - 7119877

16 Freshly Harvested Dank Memes For The Weirdos

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Do Ittt

Tumblr caption that reads, "Voter registration" where there are checkboxes below that read, "Democratic party," "Republican party" and "Mario party;" someone comments below "Don't forget to register to vote!"
Via honestinjinwinkwink
funny dank memes normies don't get

15 Dank Memes That'll Get Normies Real Confused

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Seems Real Fishy...

Tumblr post caption that reads, "Kinda worried that Nintendo is trying to warn us something" above a screencap of icons from 'Pokemon Go' and 'Mario Run'
Via Blownpooter
laughing with tumblr

30 Times Tumblr Gems Got Us Laughin'

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