lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

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20+ Memes For A Fun Weekend Scroll Session

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Tolkien Tuesday #42: 40+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #41: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Tolkien Tuesday #40, funny memes, dank memes, lord of the rings, fantasy, humor

Tolkien Tuesday #40: 40 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

Funny memes, tolkien tuesday, dank memes, stupid memes, Lord of the Rings memes

Tolkien Tuesday #39: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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Quite Concerning

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Tolkien Tuesday #38: 30 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #37: 30 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #36: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #35: 46 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

Funny meme about the Ever Given suez canal jam, hobbits saying "we'll miss you" as the boat heads to valinor

Gone But Not Forgotten

Tokien Tuesday #34, lord of the rings memes, dank memes

Tolkien Tuesday #34: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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38 Funky Memes For Bored Eyes

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Tolkien Tuesday #33: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #32: 30 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

Tolkien Tuesday #30: Lord of the Rings memes, J RR Tolkien, hobbits, funny memes, dank memes, shitposts, Reddit | Sam: Take mine there's a few drops let, frodo, Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture, they're the same picture, merry and pippin, orcs, treebeard

Tolkien Tuesday #31: 30 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes