lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

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Tolkien Tuesday #59: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Tolkien Tuesday, lord of the rings, lol, dank memes, humor

Tolkien Tuesday #58: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny Lord of the rings memes, dank memes, tolkien tuesday, lol

Tolkien Tuesday #57: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny memes, Lord of the Rings memes, lol, dank memes, random memes, legolas, gandalf, gimli

Tolkien Tuesday #56: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny memes about Lord of the Rings, Tolkien Tuesday, humor, dank memes, stupid memes, hobbits

Tolkien Tuesday #55: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny Twitter thread casts the lord of the rings characters as bad ex-boyfriends

Thread: 'Lord of the Rings' Characters as Bad Ex-Boyfriends

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Tolkien Tuesday #54: 38 Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

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Tolkien Tuesday #53: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Lesbian rates the Fellowship of the ring as women, funny, faceapp, lord of the rings, peter jackson

Lesbian Rates The Fellowship As Women In Feisty Tumblr Thread

Funny twitter mashup of Lord of the Rings and headlines from the onion - satirical newspaper | Lauren @laurbarbq onion headlines but make them lord rings thread Work Friend Accidentally Becomes Real Friend Legolas and Gimli

Lord Of The Rings & The Onion Meet In Genius Twitter Thread

Funny memes, dank memes, stupid memes, Lord of the Rings memes, Gandalf, hobbits, Frodao

Tolkien Tuesday #51: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Cracked remade lord of the rings for $20

We Remade Lord of the Rings For Only $20

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Tolkien Tuesday #50: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Tolkien Tuesday Lord of the Rings memes lol funny humor

Tolkien Tuesday #49: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny random memes, dank memes, lol, stupid memes, tolkien tuesday, lord of the rings, lotr memes

Tolkien Tuesday #48: 30+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

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30+ Pretty Good Memes All In One Place