

Superheroes: That Must Be the Biggest One!

fans huge loki superheroes The Movies tom hiddleston - 6488375808
Created by SimpleAliensLoveSpaceCore


best of week From the Movies loki Movie pun Thor - 6461596160
Via Pleated Jeans

Superheroes: He's So Cool

loki pun superheroes Super-Lols Thor - 6458983680
Via Pleated Jeans


loki Pure Awesome Rule 34 rule 63 - 6367922176
Created by KrustyNipple

Loki's Burden

literalism loki marvel porpoise purpose similar sounding The Avengers - 6403165184
Via Geo the Bio

Juxtaposition Win

adoption lilo and stitch loki Memes - 6390933248
Created by 19Zoey88


asgard loki sexy times Super-Lols - 6376795904
Created by Aerwyn

Superheroes: We'll Be Unstoppable, They Said

avengers earth fun loki superheroes Super-Lols - 6305564928
Created by WafflesOnDoomsday ( Via devanalbarnevans )

Comixed: As Heroes!

Aliens avengers From the Movies loki Memes Thor - 6350168320
Created by PrincessWordplay

I Know Whats On Loki's Mind

Cats gifs loki - 6271134208
Created by Tobi

Superheroes: I Always Got That Vibe From You, Loki

army avengers ironman loki superheroes Super-Lols - 6236241664
Created by thephantomderp

Superheroes: Kneel and Receive Your Cuddles

army avengers Awesome Art Cats loki superheroes - 6290760192
Via geothebio


adoption bad idea hilarious loki - 6302078720

Comixed: She is a Bit of a Frost Giant

best of week From the Movies katy perry loki Memes photoshop The Avengers - 6299909376

Superheroes: Take My Heart While You're At It

good guy handsome loki superheroes Super-Lols - 6291591168
Created by Jackalgirl

Superheroes: Pet People, am I Right?

loki names Random Heroics superheroes Thor - 6291405056
Created by MBArceus