
life hacks


Caption that reads, "When you break something and fix it just enough so that the next person who uses it thinks they broke it" above a pic of Jim from The office smiling while looking out through some blinds
Via LeoSenior
tips to act like an adult

15 Snarky-Ass Tips To Make You Look Like A Halfway-Sophisticated Adult

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Who Is This Absolute Genius?

Caption that reads, "This gotta be the greatest invention I've seen in years" above a pic of someone frying with a large soda bottle covering their hand as to not get hot grease on their skin
Via memestica7

Life Hack

Pics of a guy making fake Airpods out of Q-tips
Via chimrichaldsphd


Caption that reads, "Y'all still pay for gas? Y'all dumb" above a pic of a gas dial that's been taped up to 'full'
Via Joojoobee11

Gen Z Parenting Hack

Tweet that reads, "Parenting hack: when punishing your kids, don't take away their electronics. Take away their charger and watch the fear in their eyes as they use it less and less while the battery slowly dies"
Via Fairy0T0ale


Tweet advising people applying to jobs to copy and paste the entire job description into your resume and make the text into white font so that all of the key words display to the recruiters
Via Munninhuginn

Great Tip!

Caption that reads, "Don't have a bookmark? Try using ketchup instead" above a pic of ketchup in a book
Via BigFuckingRocket

Pro Tip

Tweet that reads, "Before you leave the house, think of the acronym 'WOWEE' - Wallet, phOne, Wkeys, Egg, Egg (backup)"
Via jordanistall
funny tweets

18 Fresh Tweets That Are More Clever Than Anything We Could Come Up With

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life hacks and tips

20 Crucial Common-Sense Tips That Are WAY Too Often Overlooked

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Student Life Hack?

Tweet that reads, "My essay is 642 words and I need 700;" someone replies with, "Change the word color to white and jwjbrjkreklshbfs away at your keyboard"
Via dgamerboi
Funny job interview tips.

20 Job Interview Hacks That'll Definitely Leave An Impression

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Life Hacks From The '90s

18 Hella Tight Life Hacks From The '90s That'll Bring Back All Kinds Of Nostalgia

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Parenting Life Hacks

Parenting guide on bonding with baby, telling parenting to play with the baby rather than having a conversation over coffee
Via Sarah00700

Here's A Life Hack For Ya!

Tweet that reads, "If you can't think of a word say 'I forget the English word for it.' That way people will think you're bilingual instead of an idiot"
Via littledeludeddupe