
20+ Service Industry Employees Share the Strangest Requests They've Ever Gotten From Customers: 'She asked for a pashmina...'

20+ Service Industry Employees Share Their Strangest Requests From Customers: 'She asked for a pashmina...'

Argumentative roommate sparks too many screaming matches, so other roommate takes away all of his shared-space items: ‘The living room looked like Whoville after the Grinch came.’

Argumentative roommate sparks too many screaming matches, so other roommate takes away all of his shared-space items: ‘The living room looked like Whoville after the Grinch came.’

kids motherhood moms petty revenge parenting entitled people karma entitled daughter mom karen parents children Parenting - 39769605

Group of moms excludes 8-year-old girl from playdates to spite her mom, but their own kids turn end up against them instead: 'Their kids [lost] all respect for their parents'

Nepo-hired manager uses her computer-illiteracy to push around employee, so employee quits and changes her autocorrect to only make typos: ‘2 years later… [she couldn’t] undo it'

Nepo-hired manager uses her computer-illiteracy to push around employee, so employee quits and changes her autocorrect to only make typos: ‘2 years later… [she couldn’t] undo it'

Neighbor regrets allowing entitled kids to use their swimming pool after they keep breaking the rules, decides to revoke their access: ‘I told them to get out’

Neighbor regrets allowing entitled kids to use their swimming pool after they keep breaking the rules, decides to revoke their access: ‘I told them to get out’

 train trains public transportation public transit public transport commute seat assigned seat discourse Reddit reddit thread reddit story askreddit argument karen pregnant dispute

'You paid for your seat, that's how the system works': Pregnant woman and husband steal assigned train seat, argue when seat owner comes to claim it

‘I swore... He burst out laughing’: Call center employee uses extra colorful language with a customer, ends up getting thanked for it

‘I swore... He burst out laughing’: Call center employee uses extra colorful language with a customer, ends up getting thanked for it

‘Her face was priceless': Dad ends up at Disney World alone due to unforeseen circumstances, nosey guest tries to get in his face, he shuts her down and gets a free fast pass

‘Her face was priceless': Dad ends up at Disney World alone due to unforeseen circumstances, nosey guest tries to get in his face, he shuts her down and gets a free fast pass

ride disney justice satisfying revenge amusement park parenting entitled people karma entitled karma karen Entitled People - 38601477

Entitled mom cuts the line with her kids, gets called out and kicked off the ride as the crowd cheers: 'Everyone in line clapped'

 neighbors neighborhood Bad Neighbor neighborhood-drama bad neighbors hoa hoa stories homeowner new homeowners homeowner costs homeownership pool swimming pool karen entitled people Reddit reddit thread reddit story

'Putting in a pool is not some kind of emergency': Homeowners give neighbors 48 hours to sign document letting them tear up their yard for a new pool, push back when they have doubts

Fed-up college student abandons family feast, leaving relatives shocked as Karen Aunt’s insults finally backfire: ‘I stood up, said, “Merry Christmas, y’all,” and walked out’

Fed-up college student abandons family feast, leaving relatives shocked as Karen Aunt’s insults finally backfire: ‘I stood up, said, “Merry Christmas, y’all,” and walked out’

dog, dogs, shopping cart, grocery shopping, grocery store, debate, pets, karen, twitter, twitter thread, video

Male Karen calls out dog in grocery store, revives debate about pets in public spaces: 'That dog was bothering no one'

 FAIL fails neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighbor neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor terrible neighbors pets exotic-pets pet ownership chicken Chickens story reddit story karen story karen

Fed-up neighbor calls police on woman's clucking 'emotional support chickens': 'The constant racket is driving me crazy'

karen, dogs, service animal, hiking, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, emotional support animal, argument

Hiking Karen lectures couple for bringing emotional support dog on hiking trail with no dogs allowed, starts debate about service animals: 'Karen is in the right'

cops, halloween costumes, karens, workplace stories, employee, halloween, karen customer, work, reddit story, workplace, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, halloween costume, karen, in the workplace

Mom calls the cops on Halloween store employee after he refuses to give her a refund for a dinosaur costume for 8-12 year olds she bought for her 17-year-old son: 'The receipt literally said "All sales final after October 25th"'

karen, driving, parking, reddit, reddit thread, petty revenge, neighbors, apartments

Parking Karen repeatedly steals neighbor's parking space, faces drastic consequences for not following the rules: 'She’s taking up two spaces like she’s trying to stake her claim'

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