

Collection of funny memes and web comics about insomnia, travel, wine, cats, girls, dogs, hangovers, drinking, candy, dating, relationships, alcohol, dogs, grammar, being antisocial, philosophy, cold ones, cheating.

Lunch Break: 17 Random Memes to Curb Your Hunger

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FAILS grammar list signs - 1275141

20 Times When Correct Punctuation Would Have Made All the Difference

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Made an Important Discovery in Time for the 100th Comic.

Comics - Why would you double space after sentences? Fuckin' Twitter. How do they expect people who double space after sentences to work Umm, because you're Supposed to? with 140 characters? FUCK. Yeah, back when we Used typewriters. You're not wrong. Bullshit I figured it was just something everyone forgot to do, like cursive. Guy, look at any website. But Ive typed a hundred comics worth of blog posts, comments, replies, tweets... Yes. Good job on the one hundred comics thing, though. All of t
Created by JosephSim84 ( Via )

So Inspiring

quotes grammar image - 8981651200
See all captions Created by ShaunRatcliffe66

Wonder How He Feels About Losing Now

image grammar spelling Wonder How He Feels About Losing Now
Via @JoePerticone

Grammar Nazi's Have Always Been Around

history grammar meme Grammar Nazi's Have Always Been Around
Via pleated-jeans

Clearly Lost His Hand for Saying 'Octopi' Back in the Day

Via mandatoryrollercoaster

When You Pull the Last Straw on the Dude That Was Already Pissed at the World

Via BroBible

That's Just Awful

web comics grammar That's Just Awful
Via mythdirection

Easy Grammar Guide

grammar web comics Easy Grammar Guide
Via Wrong Hands

Just Shoot Me Now

grammar kids idiots funny - 8235245568
grammar vine - 74017537

Correcting Grammar Makes You Super Cool!

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f grammar hilarious nazi sound - 5625424384
Created by br24684

Focusing on the Inconsequential

Via Unearthed Comics


computers grammar fake - 3930852096
See all captions Created by britt2013

Commas Are Important
