
unschooling, school, university, teenagers, bad parenting, reddit story, bad parents, parenting, grades, homeschool, Reddit, mom, Parenting Fail, college, parents, Parenting FAILS

Mom tells her unschooled daughter she has straight A's and a 4.0 GPA, has no high school transcript for her to send to the 17 colleges she's allegedly been accepted at: 'I don't see how one could be radically unschooled and not have straight A's'

assistant principal, workplace stories, student, teach, jobs, students, principal, teaching, work, passing, teachers, reddit story, reacher, grades, failing, workplace, reddit thread, Reddit, grading

Assistant principal bans teachers from failing kids, insists they give students A's or B's instead of F's: 'If they know the material but don’t turn in any work, then they should have an A or B in your class.'

family drama, aita, mother, tests, stepmom, daughters, parenting, grades, stepdaughter, test, high school, daughter, parent, Reddit, mom, parents

Mom refuses to take daughter's good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter's feelings: 'If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge'

school, student, FAIL, students, kids, lazy, at school, awesome teacher, group projects, teacher, grades, project, kids these days, failing, high school, Reddit, immature high schoolers

Lazy student refuses to participate in group project, cries to teacher when he gets an F: '[He] tried to blame us for him not participating'

teaching, teachers. grading, son, project, school, mildly infuriating, reddit

'I am embarrassed for his teacher': Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son's school project

class, school, student, elementary school, students, relatable memes, classes, middle school, math class, grades, back to school, high school, student problems, school memes

Student Memes For High Schoolers Trying to Survive Monday

school, education, college, university, graduate, Grades, essay, presentation, classroom, class, Professors, reviews, Teacher, books, twitter memes, Twitter, social media, facebook, learning

Academia Memes for Struggling Students and Scholars

homework school university procrastination essay stress grades Professors Memes career roommates college - 20314629

College Memes for Suffering Students

A compilation of memes themed around college and university

Memes For Broke College Kids

artificial intelligence, school, student, essay, ai, homework, debate, reddit, twitter

Student Sparks Debate by Revealing That They Use AI to Write Essays

Funny meme about wanting to get good grades in school but getting distracted by everything | Me: ima get these grades & get my education *me watching the lights flicker in class

*Zoom Edition*

Caption that reads, "If I was a teacher, I'd give this kid an A" above a pic of an elementary school exam where the teacher asks students to defend their answers; kid responds by drawing a military guy 'defending' the word 'Answer'

Clever Kid

Tweet that reads, "Isn't it wild that the ballots from all 50 states can be counted in one night but my professors can't get my scantron graded for two weeks"


Caption that reads, "Probably the best essay introduction I've read in a while" above a ridiculous intro to an essay about Rosa Parks written by a high school student

Brandon Better Have Gotten An A

grades Memes image - 8999847168

Great Job

FAIL fire grades - 8996553728

Think Again

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