

Report Card Trolling

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Created by TedTheViking

Putting Your Time to Good Use

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She's Always Watching...

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Created by dglvr8600

Games or Grades?

school grades video games Pie Chart - 6757974016
Created by w0lft0r

The Worst Projects

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He Was Number One!

grades number one Overconfident Alcoholic school - 6593893120

It Was a Trick Question

grades school tests - 4382209024
Created by Icanhasabigcheezeburgerorelse

Annnd Summer School

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Created by Divine_DX

You Do the Math

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Created by barit1

Should Have Studied Harder

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It Was Just Art Class, Come On!

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Created by TheRandomCrazyDude

Terrible Only Applies to Her Teaching

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Created by Airick18

"C" Stands for Close Enough

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Created by Cubonator

Grades Are All Relative

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Created by RohnJambo

Mom, Y U Have Such High Expectations?

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Grades, According to Rage Faces

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Created by adelmaiden