funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Funny random memes | my only 2 friends who always hype up and like all my posts @girlzzzclub Kirsten Stewart and Lea Seydoux clapping for Cate Blanchett | brain: were sad today why? brain said sad today

Forty-Two Silly Memes That Had Us Snickering

Funny tweets in response to there being a version of the movie 'Cats' that shows the characters' buttholes | Jack Waz @jackwaz Replying benmekler VEX producer friend friend hired November finish some 400 effects shots catsmovie. His entire job remove CGI buttholes had been inserted few months before. Which means somewhere out there, there exists butthole cut Cats

Apparently A 'Butthole Version' Of The Movie 'Cats' Exists, And The Internet Is Demanding To See It

marshall law memes | Marco Rubio @marcorubio Please stop spreading stupid rumors about marshall law. COMPLETELY FALSE will continue see closings restrictions on hours non-essential businesses certain cities states. But is NOT marshall law. eminem poster grahamclark @grahamclark Mar 16 This fall on NBC: Marshall Law.

Marco Rubio's 'Marshall Law' Tweet Has People Hoping For A New Eminem Album

Funny random memes | someone makes joke about something secretly insecure about (LAUGHING) marvel's thor laughing then looking depressed | Regular back will hurt eventually -boring -stupid bones Backstreet's back alright

Forty-Two Random Memes To Help Keep You Distracted

Funny lawyer memes and tweets | Michael Adler @madler9000 Just settled divorce over visitation parrot. Neither may teach negative phrases about other went law school this.

33 Lawyerly Memes That Are Guilty Of Hilarity

funny tweets | Hoemar @Hoemar 15h 4 months after getting know each other like f why wait so asked her be my girlfriend 158 795 Hoemar @Hoemar 15h WORST MISTAKE MY DAMN LIFE YO

Guy's Twitter Story About His Psycho Ex Will Leave You Feeling SHOOK

Funny tweets about cancelled sports, coronavirus, covid-19, twitter | Stephen @Scuba_Steve26 Day 1 without sports met this woman who lives my house. Apparently she is my wife keep updated on my findings. 1:42 PM 3/13/20 Middleburg Heights, O Twitter iPhone

The Cancellation of Sports Has Inspired Quality Tweets

Funny and embarrassing Twitter story of a woman who gets locked out of a German spa while completely naked | Anbara Salam @anbara_salam 5h Friends, there's nothing quite like running, naked crying, around an industrial machine room spot service lift. Out sheer panic run into lift, covering each boob turn, mashing buttons. 6/

Naked Woman Gets Locked Out Of German Spa In This Nightmarish Twitter Tale

Funny tweets about how Jared Leto just found out about coronavirus after attending a meditation retreat in the desert | JARED LETO @JaredLeto Wow. 12 days ago began silent meditation desert were totally isolated. No phone, no communication etc had no idea happening outside facility. 1:29 AM 3/17/20 Twitter Web App

Jared Leto Just Found Out About Coronavirus After Attending A Meditation Retreat

Fresh and funny tweets, twitter memes, coronavirus tweets, coronavirus memes, covid-19, toilet paper | Dude-Bro Dad @thedadvocate01 once can honestly tell my wife they were all out thing forgot get. 12:03 PM 3/15/20 Twitter iPhone | Stephanie Boland O @stephanieboland On sofa and hear boyfriend start laughing himself kitchen. Turns out he'd just learned 88 couples have come out quarantine China and immediately filed divorce 2:48 AM 3/15/20 Twitter Web App

Fresh Tweets For The Bored & Humor-Deprived

funny random memes, dank memes, quarantine memes, covid-19, coronavirus memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, animal memes, tiger sex | There's no way 's getting any worse, right April 2020: robot uprising | Beans After Dark @goodbeanalt been there bro NEW YORK POST E New York Post O @nypost 7h Tiger walks record 800 miles search sex 3:55 PM 03 Dec 19· Twitter iPhone

Funny Pics To Help Y'all Pass The Time

sick comebacks and burns | r/AskReddit Posted by u/LNAKL 5 hours ago 2.3k Autistic people do feel about those anti vaxxers using illness genetic disorder promote their agenda serious] Serious Replies Only 610 Comments Share Save O Give Gold O Hide F Report SORT BY BEST Single comment thread. View all comments VulpesCinerea 4.0k points 2 hours ago 02 don't mind Being autistic isn't all bad compared being an idiot Reply Share Report Save Give gold | Paris Hilton O @ParisHilton 17h If someone ever

14 Sick Comebacks That'll Elicit A Third-Degree Burn

Funny memes and tweets about last night's democratic debates | OLD MAN YELLS AT OLD MAN E4 6nco'peri je:d raaer mistje Ku: d'hMy vr .e My ne AV :2.raii msindt.tetic la.d12ip Dide: ASrarar. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL DEBAT ncIAL univision CAN TETETI CNN CNN CNN CN CAN CNN CNN CNN PIC•COLLAGE | CNL CN CW @StarWarsMemes_IG think Bernie Sanders is Sith Lord.

Best Memes From Last Night's Audience-Free Democratic Debate

Funny tweets from Katie Williams about incorrect information on the coronavirus | Katie Williams @realkatiejow Replying AOC just went crowded Red Robin and 30 delicious, and took my sweet time eating my meal. Because this is America. And l'll do want. 5:16 PM Mar 14, 2020 Twitter Android | Tony Posnanski @tonyposnanski Replying realkatiejow Bless Katie won't let media stop licking stop signs and not showering are voice reason don't need be cautious will continue lick other people's faces. Thank

'Corona Katie' Gets Called Out For Her Idiotic And Dangerous Tweets About COVID-19

Funny tweets written by Tom Hanks | Tom Hanks O @tomhanks 03 Th6 17 v mean Hanx? 229 FROZFRI STRAWDERRY PAPPLE LIA TIPS THANKS 425 27 1.375 16,5K

Twenty-One Tweets From The Beloved Tom Hanks

Funny tweet about how you can talk shit about people at your therapy session and the therapist legally cannot tell anyone else

The Best Part Of Therapy