funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Funny random memes, corona-free memes | This is scale will be using everything now on. Boasting guest verse Dr. Dre classic '90s R&B hit features Blackstreet singing like way work B: Hardly Any Diggity D: An Overwhelming Surplus Diggity No Diggity C: Fair Amount Diggity | viking @notviking are kids texting about soup? LOL lots lentils LMAO love an onion! SMH so much horseradish GTG get gazpacho WTF where's french onion STFU soup's ultimate food TBH broth's hot

Memes With No Mention Of The Scary Stuff That's Happening

Funny random memes | Don't Know Like More Fact Cat Licked An Image Cooked Chicken, Or Disappointment His Eyes | stonks meme 2019 esports isn't a real sport 2020 esports is the only sport

Forty-Five Random Tidbits For Maximum Enjoyment

Funny random memes | People who eat only 2 slices pizza and say they're full | should get degree ll open so many doors gets degree REAL FAKE DOORS

Forty-Three Random Memes To Help You Waste Time

american healthcare memes, health insurance memes | Please help him, he's dying does he have insurance tho Pokemon Pikachu nurse Joy | Jason O. Gilbert O @gilbertjasono traveled all over this great country and Americans are clear: They love finishing up their 14-hour shifts Amazon warehouse by driving until sunrise Uber all so they can afford single vial Insulin

17 American Healthcare Memes That'll Remind You To Never Ever Get Sick

Funny tweet about taking wine at communion | me sips wine oh yes i like it i'll have a bottle of that priest ma'am that's not how it works please go back to your pew

Pretty Sure That's A Sin

Funny tweets about how millennials aren't going on spring break, generation z, coronavirus, covid-19 | danny ocean @SamoanLoki Hey dumbfucks, Millennials are ages 24-39, probably with kids their own. These kids were more likely majority Zoomers and have been couple years now. This is someone who got his degree over 10 years ago. ON Philly Daily News O @PhillyDailyNews 3d Daily News Hey, millennials, this isn't spring break s pandemic Expert Opinion | Momo Kurumi @momokurumicos "If Millennials do

Frustrated Millennials Want You To Know They're Not On Spring Break

funny random tweets | Grace Segers O @Grace_Segers writing an email using an exclamation point so know friendly and excited! But now using period so know l'm not crazy. Here's another sentence with period as buffer, proving my normalness. Thanks so much! | wes @sewkx my 6th grade science class girl read "orgasm" instead organism" and class laughed she embarrassed calm her down our teacher told her everyone would forget two weeks s been 9 years stll remember Danielle fucking remember hope see thi

Just A Crap Ton Of Amusing Tweets

Funny tweets from the National Cowboy Museum | Nat'l Cowboy Museum @ncwhm Hello, my name is Tim and am head security Cowboy have been asked take on additional duty social media management while museum is closed new this but excited. My team will also continue protect and monitor museum. Thanks, Tim Send O 8,521 9:15 PM Mar 17, 2020 1,323 people are talking about this | Nat'l Cowboy Museum @ncwhm And these are his boots. Hashtag John Wayne. Thanks, Tim O1,313 3:17 PM Mar 18, 2020 88 people are ta

Hilarity Ensues When Cowboy Museum's Head Of Security Gets Put In Charge Of Twitter Account

Funny tweets about people in quarantine getting horny over inanimate objects, risk it all, act up, twitter meme | Quarantine Pffft can handle no problem Day 9 sofa that looks like a butt anthony adams rubbing hands | day 8 quarantine ceiling is gonna make act up ceiling lambs cast shadows that look like a pair of breasts

Quarantined Twitter Users Are Getting Hot Over Inanimate Objects

Funny random memes | Colleges really need pay $24,000 tuition s lowest can go if can throw this ball far af Colleges: Imao 's lit, here's 100% off 560 %60 286 0.168 2286 14563 156 0287 N stonks 0.12% SED S AM | can't believe this man just fixed racism jointheclub @j0eymccullough Black or white all jus some egg fr

Thirty Random Memes For Your Tired Eyes

Funny random memes, stupid memes, funny memes, funny tweets, coronavirus, covid-19 memes | Anthony Adams Rubbing Hands DIVORCE LAWYERS WAITING PEOPLE BE QUARANTINED WITH THEIR SPOUSE WEEKS | corona virus entering my body and looking at my immune system and deficiencies: damn bitch live like this

Memes & Tweets To Fight The Battle Against Boredom

Funny tweet that reads, "Tested positive for missing the homies"

Miss My Bros

Political memes and tweets, donald trump, coronavirus, marianne williamson, covid-19, economy, economics, stock market, stonks |  56 0.9% 0.12% 0. 68 2.28614563 .156 0287 Wrstonks 602 0.1204 34 N/ 121 0.1902 SZT | Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson used this image Titanic couple days ago and writer hates repeat herself, but bears repeating going through now is upper class passengers trying lock people steerage so only they could get available lifeboats.

Political Memes & Tweets For The Masochists

Funny and cute tweets from Twitter account 'Thoughts of Dog' | Thoughts Dog @dog_feelings know put pill my rolled up cheese slice not mad about would simply appreciate. if would be honest with next time

Fifteen Times 'Thoughts Of Dog' Got Our Feets A-Tippy Tappin'

Funny random memes | bluehairedunicorn Therapist nice person Friends nice person Family nice person Yeah but if l'm actually shit nudityandnerdery Oh, fuck tricked so many people into thinking l'm nice s just shit am. thefifthemerald This post is very loud | Mitish Bruseum ancient tablet

Funny AF Memes To Help Us All Get Through The Day

Funny memes and tweets that make fun of Joe Biden seemingly 'disappearing' from the public eye during the coronavirus pandemic | Bernie Sanders writing on a whiteboard 2020 Integrity Joe Biden got Rona UP SPAPS | Joe Biden Rest Peace- 1942-2020 NUON lasers

People Are Wondering Where The Heck Joe Biden Is In The Midst Of A Pandemic