
funny headlines

Stupid Headlines

32 Mindbogglingly Stupid Headlines That, Yes, Were Actually Printed

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millennials twitter news wtf cooking funny headlines twitter reactions chef gen x generations baby boomers funny tweets - 8446469

Millennials Apparently Have *No Clue* What A Butter Knife Is, According To This Survey

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The Health Experts Have Spoken

Funny headline from The Onion that reads, "Health experts recommend standing up at desk, leaving office, never coming back"
Via Freysdottir

That's A Pretty Bad Typo...

Funny news headline that reads, "Autocorrect nightmare: typo in Bill C-45 legalizes cannibalism instead of cannabis
Via NicholasRyan22
rage wtf marketing ridiculous headlines funny headlines Not The Onion rage inducing rich people essential oils new york anxiety yoga new york city - 6273285

Spoiled Rich Girl Revealing How She Affords NYC Life Will Make You Rage

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It's A Hard World Out There, Kid

Fake news headline that reads, "Johnson & Johnson introduces 'Nothing but Tears' shampoo to toughen up newborns
Via SmileLikeAKat
amusing memes, funny memes

32 Amusing Memes That Serve Absolutely No Purpose Other Than LOLs

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Admit It, We All Do This

Fake headline that reads, "'I'll have to check that show out!' says woman who has already forgotten the title" above a pic of a curly-haired young woman
Via SaladBalladFun
people reacting to satirical headlines

14 Times Gullible Dummies Believed Obvious Satire

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That'll Teach 'Em

Headline that reads, "Notts villagers hold 'birthday' for pothole they've been complaining about for two years;" someone replies, "This is the most passive aggressive thing I've seen in a while"
Via oenavia

Well That's Depressing...

Headline that reads, "Your brain tricks you into seeing yourself five times more attractive in the mirror than you actually are;" someone replies, "This whole time I thought I was just ugly, turns out I'm ugly UGLY lol"
Via oenavia
Florida memes

15 Florida Memes And Moments Of Colossal WTF-ery

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russia memes

14 Russian Memes That'll Give You Strength To Fight Bear

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Dis Frog Got More Game Than Me

Headline that reads, "Loneliest frog in the world who spent a decade in isolation finds a mate;" someone comments, "And I can't even get a text back"
Via anlyin

A Chonky Boi

Fake news headline that reads, "Wide dog gets somehow wider, seeks help from God" above a pic of a stretched-out image of a fat dog
Via LOLmastah

Can Breathe On Land *And* In Water - Incredible!

Caption that reads, "'You're sure that's the right word?' 'Like 80% sure, yeah;' 'Print it' above a headline that reads, "Amphibious pitcher makes debut"
Via dolphish