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'Dune is about the dangers of Boy Moms™': The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (March 19, 2024)

It's a wild ride
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29 Funny Amazon Product Reviews That Tell It Like It Is

Prime Laughs
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25+ Absurdly Out of Pocket Comments Found in the Wild

[edited] Woah, this blew up.
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funny, parenting, funny comments, comments, kids, family, admin, tiktok, baby, babies, children, form

'My dad told me to put 'freeloader'': Parents and family members reveal funny responses they have filled out on forms for kids

Occupation: baby
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viral tiktoks, tiktoker, tiktok, tiktoks, social media, gen z, stupid people, crazy people, funny, funny screenshots, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, screenshots, comments, funny comments

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (January 23, 2024)

It's TikTok time
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tiktok, tiktoks, tiktokers, viral tiktoks, screenshots, funny screenshots, funny, stupid people, crazy people, gen z, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, social media, comments, funny comments

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (January 16, 2024)

Clock app shenanigans
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'Browse Zillow sorting from high to low': Regular folks share what they'd do if they became billionaires overnight

A girl can dream
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'Love traveling for free': Miami vacationer claims she sleeps on the beach instead of paying for a hotel

One way to save money
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board game, board games, guess who, funny, funny tiktok, tiktok, comments, funny comments, appearance, personality

'Liz has a whole Facebook group': Board game lovers reveal the joy of 'subjective Guess Who'

It's all about personality
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divorce, marriage, couple, mom, dad, parenting, message, festive, christmas, ecard, funny, funny video, tiktok, comments, funny comments

'It's the jazz hands for me': Mom and Dad Announce Divorce With Unnecessarily Festive Ecard

It's got pizzazz
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"So we found the source of the flickering lights": Electrician Finds Ouija Board in Customer's Wall, Puts it Back Where it Came From

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People Who Worked With Wealthy Folk Tell All in Juicy Reddit Thread

People Who Worked With Wealthy Folk Tell All in Juicy Reddit Thread

So, what do you think? Are the wealthy just like us?
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25 Hilariously out of Pocket Comments From Around the Internet

They went there
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mom, baby, toddler, kids, parents, funny, funny tiktok, comments, funny comments, birth, placenta, crunchy mom

Crunchy Mom Gets Roasted for Claiming "Free Birthed Baby" Always Hangs Out Where Her Placenta Was Buried

An unbreakable bond
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men Twitter Thread shopping driving Memes funny comments lol funny women - 23000325

'Maintaining the art of finding lost items in plain sight': 27 people weigh in on what women do better than men

definitely shopping
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rare insults, insults, reactions, comebacks, comments, social media, funny, funny comments

20 Rare Insults From Expert Sass Givers

Acerbic wit
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