
funny comments

sexy times, sex, nsfw, cringe, gross, reddit, twitter, facebook, funny comments, oversharing, no one cares, inappropriate, funny reviews, funny, facebook, tmi | just had sex NOT WITH CAT WHY DID SCREENSHOT | Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemin ant ma hterlite O SYRACUSE.COM 2 MIN READ Great-grandson Syracuse's Aunt Jemima angry at her removal This is an injustice Ton Enn and my last girlfriend did some really kinky shit with pancake syrup. Just sayin 4h Like Reply

20+ Cringey Times People Overshared When No One Asked

We get it, you have sex.
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cursed, cursed comments, comments, funny comments, reddit, social media, gold replies, cringe, dark humor, edgy, memes, funny, wtf | WANNA PLAY GAME? Reese's pieces RESEALABLE ZIPPER Skittles utter MILK This is cruel Russian roulette people with peanut allergies | 1989 2020 emily84 this makes look like Yoda harvested George Lucas' youth order rejuvenate

Cursed Comments From Twisted Minds

People being dark and edgy in the comments
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funny, askreddit, reddit, thread, sex, relationships, sexy, fetish, funny comments, lol, cringe, relatable, hooking up, dating, dirty | do NOT have sex fresh water lake 's been stewing at above room temperature all| summer. just dont friend who's gynecologist.  | Chocolate syrup as sexy sexy addition. Everyone reading this needs know drying chocolate syrup turns into an adhesive

People Discuss Acts That Are Supposedly Sexy But Aren't

Spoiler Alert: chocolate syrup in the bedroom isn't sexy
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gaming, reddit thread, gamers, funny, funny comments, video games

Gamers Imagine Getting Stuck in a Mashup of the Last Two Games They Played

Red Dead Redemption and Doki Doki Literature Club sounds terrifying
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funny pics, funny screenshots, character arc, character development, plot development, plot twist, memes, youtube, funny comments, lol, funny

Captivating Character Arcs & Plot Twists Summed Up in 20+ Pics

Screenshots that tell a whole story
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florida man, gaming, video games, memes, funny comments, reddit thread, r/gaming, funny, memes

Gamers Describe Video Games Through Hypothetical 'Florida Man' Headlines

Redditors have managed to combine two beloved internet topics: video games and "Florida Man" headlines
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dam, water pressure, interesting, funny comments, tiktok comments, tiktok, funny, viral videos, memes, poop jokes, sex jokes

Video of a Dam's Gate Opening Sparks Comically Inappropriate Comment Section

Always check the comments
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tiktok, funny, yoga, contortionist, funny comments, funny tiktok comments, dirty mind, dirty jokes, memes

Flexible Contortionist Sparks Comically Raunchy Comment Section

TikTok needs to get its mind out of the gutter
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burn, self own, roast, funny, reddit, funny comments, clever comments, reddit, kamikaze by words

Times People Owned Themselves Just to Make a Point

These madlads committed kamikaze by words
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smart home, smart devices, internet of things, internet of shit, product, capitalism, funny, wtf, tiktok, funny comments, technology

People Are Bewildered by TikToker's Excessive Smart Home Gadgets

'If SHEIN was a home'
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anatomy, sex, women, men, bad anatomy, funny comments, stupid people, reddit, facepalm, cringe, sexism, orgasm, memes, funny, human body | is worse than broken heart? Menstrual pain, homelessness, hunger etc. As guy think menstrual pain is myth | Hello girls just wanted some opinions on do really worried am wanting another baby but had my placenta taken out my daughter born does this mean can't have any more children or do need placenta transplant? Thankyou, Tia xx O Like Comment

Dumb People Who Have Zero Understanding Of Human Anatomy

These people should have paid attention in sex ed
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letterboxd, movie reviews, funny reviews, funny, lol, memes, letterboxd out of context, movies, film, cinema, dune, funny comments, satire, hollywood

Funny Gems From the Humorous Side of Letterboxd

Literally everyone's a critic
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reddit, askreddit, thread, sex, relationships, men and women, funny comments, wholesome | r/AskReddit u/NeuroMajorDepressed Men reddit would feel if girl just grabbed by waist, lifted up, and pushed against wall and gave kiss?

Straight Men Express How They'd Feel If Their Girl Acted Dominant

Girls and gays weight in as well
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r/suicidebywords, self-deprecating, self-owns, roast, funny comments, reddit, funny, memes, facebook, funny pics, youtube comments

Self-Deprecating Times People Roasted Themselves With Precision

Severe self-owns
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funny, memes, facebook, old people facebook, baby boomers, lol, facebook memes, funny comments, old people, fail, facebook fail

Funny & Endearing Times Old People Tried to Use the Internet

Respect your elders
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Funny Comments, Facebook, Twitter, Funny Headlines, Satire, The Onion, Parody | Here is ladies and gentlemen website hiring professional protesters s not conspiracy theory PROTESTJOBS.COM Professional Protesters ire startin 9! This is satire site and conservatives are idiots thinking its real | Toy Genocide Disney Under Pressure Remove Woody Toy Story Crimes Against Native Americans Satire prageru don't fight real evil and real racism oppose Woody Toy Genocide Toy Story.

30+ Credulous People Who Fell For Obvious Satire

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