


Tweet that reads, "Do you ever just forget to hide your expressions for a minute and then you're like 'whoa I did not mean to make that face out loud'"
Via abarnes7
Funny memes about haircuts.

Memes & Tweets About The Agony & Ecstasy Of Haircare

Change is hard.
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There, There

funny meme about emotions.
Via distinguishedbaloney

Hit 'Em With A WALL

Funny meme about putting up walls.
Via ImDavid0
Funny memes about suffering, pain, depression, anxiety, death.

20 Depressing Memes & Comics To Satisfy Your Inner Emo

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Every Damn Day

Funny meme that says current emotion is dogs stuck but pretending that nothing is wrong, photos of dogs stuck in weird positions.
Via animalsmeettheinternet

Closed 24/7

Funny meme about opening up to someone, but all the drawers are closed or leading to more drawers.
Via openlygayanimals

Maybe You Should Just Lock Your Phone

image twitter emotions Maybe You Should Just Lock Your Phone
Via oddreym

Don't Look Them in the Eyes

web comics emotions cleaning Don't Look Them in the Eyes
Via owlturd

I'm Not Crying, You're Crying!

web comics feelings puppy I'm Not Crying, You're Crying!
Via lunarbaboon

Just Make Sure to Bury Those Emotions Deep

web comics emotions literalism Just Make Sure to Bury Those Emotions Deep
Via mrlovenstein

You Okay There, Pepe?

pepe emotions memes You Okay There, Pepe?
Via @WorkaholicAdam

The Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Emotional Eating

Via theawkwardyeti

Onions Are Emotional Food

Funny gif of a blonde kid eating an onion and crying.

OK, Enough Play Time, Time For Serious

dogs gifs surfing serious emotions - 8562939392

Emotion Sickness

Babies emotions Image Pie Chart sickness television - 4543202304