
elementary school

Funny dank memes about schools and their negligence when it comes to dealing with bullying | mike wazowski meme kid is being bullied schools kid defends himself schools: Principal throws 2 anti-bullying assemblies staff: Well boys did Bullying IS no more.

Sixteen Dank Memes About Bullying That Schools Will Definitely Ignore

In the words of Kelly Clarkson, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
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Funny dank memes about school nurses |  Student: breaks every bone their body School nurse: Ice Iceaby. flex tape meme School nurse Stage four cancer band-aid

Dank Memes That Make Fun Of The Negligence Of School Nurses

Broke your leg? There's always an ice pack for that!
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Ms. Smith Is Your Permanent Name

Funny tweet about someone seeing their fifth-grade teacher and the teacher telling them they can call her by her first name
Via dizzyhuey

You Gotta Say It Fast

Funny meme where Usain Bolt is running in a race and represents "LMNOP," followed by other runners who represent "ABCDEFGHIJK"

People Probably Think I'm Weird Now

Funny meme that reads, "Me overthinking how I said 'here' during attendance" above a photo of a guy staring at the ocean looking pensive
Via chemiscrying
Funny pics of kids' homework and tests where they outsmarted the teachers

Examples Of Smartass Kids Outsmarting Their Teachers

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Damn that's rough

Funny meme that reads, "Remember, if you feel bad this guy played 'grass' in his school play" above a pic of a kid lying down wearing a green costume
Via sureasyourebornyourenevergoingtoseenounicorn

Just Stab Me In The Heart Why Don't You

Funny meme that reads, "What it feels like when my mom finally takes down my macaroni art from kindergarten" above a photo of a teacher erasing a masterpiece chalk drawing from a whiteboard
Via FrozenWasteland

Clever Kid

Funny meme about a clever student who draws a little cartoon on a test question that asks students to "defend" their answers
Via SqueezeTheDay

You're It

Funny 'Do it Again' meme about playing tag
Via DrakonixYT
Funny memes about going back to school in the fall

Funny Back-To-School Memes For The Sad Student

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Funny Twitter meme about elementary school kids who ask their friends to 'look over there,' and then the friend says 'over where?'
Via Invictus144


Funny tweet about kids in the fourth grade who used to use "look under there" as a prime insult
Via RustedRoots
Video of Lil Nas X surprising an elementary school and performing 'Old Town Road' at an assembly

Lil Nas X Surprising Elementary School Kids With 'Old Town Road' Is Heartwarming AF

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Those Square Pizzas

Caption that reads, "Today in 1997 your school served you this for lunch and you were excited about it" above a photo of square pizza in a pan
Via booksRmyfriends
salty twitter school elementary school middle school high school funny tweets bitter - 8000005

12 Salty People Share The Most Moronic Things They Got In Trouble For In School

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