

Coronavirus, no we don't mean when you drink one too many cervesas. Covid-19 has turned the 21st century on it's head, thrusting the world into facing an incredible challenge unlike one most of us have seen in our lifetimes. So why not laugh about it, it's healthier.

Funny memes about working in healthcare | New grads signing up 7K per week travel gig without reading fine print about bringing own PPE and 15:1 ratio DIE BURGER @codebluememes | Medical professionals talking about disgusting stuff over meal together

Healthcare Memes For Those Working Tirelessly To Keep Us Healthy

We can't thank you all enough!
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Funny video of two guys demonstrating creative ways you can toss your friend a beer while maintaining social distancing

Two Dudes Show How To Pass Your Friend A Beer While Social Distancing

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Twitter thread investigates spanish flu, anti-mask league, importance of wearing masks | Tim Mak @timkmak THREAD History doesn't repeat itself, but rhymes thread about Anti-Mask League 1919 not kiddingI went HAM researching this So, starting Sept 2018 San Francisco suffered Spanish Flu pandemic. Initial mask wearing good around 80 percent | By November cases were down, and public health officials recommended re-opening city. Residents rushed entertainment venues after having been denied this com

History-Packed Twitter Thread Uses Spanish Flu Missteps To Highlight Importance Of Masks

Wear a mask, people.
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F*ckin' Same

Funny tweet that reads, "I'm at the 'Got in my car and drove a few feet away just to sit there alone' stage of quarantine"
Via anlyin
Funny Twitter reactions to Grimes and Elon Musk supposedly naming their baby "Influenza" | tweet by Pop Base @PopBase Grimes Elon Musk have reportedly named their child Influenza. 2:09 AM Apr 23, 2020 Twitter iPhone | piel @lordies influenza mae musk looks good here 2:14 AM Apr 23, 2020 Twitter iPhone goth elf baby

Elon Musk And Grimes Reportedly Named Their Baby 'Influenza,' Twitter Reacts

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Funny dank memes about the lifestyles of introverts and extroverts in quarantine | Time traveler: What year is Me: 2020. Time traveler: Oh. The first year of quarantine | Squidward in bed while Spongebob is outside Governor lockdown has been extended 1 more month Introverts Extroverts

Twenty-Five Dank Memes About 'Introverts Vs. Extroverts' In Quarantine

The differences are pretty stark!
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Seriously WTF

Via anlyin

Darwin Approves

Funny meme that reads, "'If you don't want to quarantine it's okay' - Charles Darwin" next to a photo of Charles Darwin
Via Ilgiovanipiero

So True

Funny meme about cat and dog editorials | competing editorials today Why Not Work at Home Forever? Work By A Dog America Needs To Get Back to By A Cat
Via @memebase
Funny tweets that prove we are the virus, coronavirus, covid-19 | ben wasserman 4/6 @benwassertweet yodel boys are returning their natural habitat. nature is healing are virus yodeling in supermarket | Saint Silk @silk_laurent earth is healing are virus.. crow smoking a cigarette

17 Tweets That Prove We Are The Virus

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Funny video of a guy who has created an AI version of himself for his work Zoom meetings

Dude Creates Creepy AI Version Of Himself To Get Out Of Zoom Meetings

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Funny comedy sketch video where a woman tries to explain the COVID-19 pandemic to her past self

Woman Explains The Pandemic To Her Past Self In This Hilariously Surreal Sketch

This is so accurate it hurts.
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Funny meme about how you're handicapped if you think that covid-19/coronavirus is caused by 5g | Sir, this spot is for the handicapped only! covid-19 is caused by 56 Sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day! policeman and man in vehicle
Via @memebase
Funny photoshopped images and memes about the Ohio quarantine protesters | tweet by Zack Bornstein @ZackBornstein 28 Business Days Later (2020) future canon @futurecanon Apr 15 Will be forever haunted by this image protestors Ohio demanding governor open businesses back up Show this thread UMP 3:46 PM Apr 15, 2020 Twitter Web App | woman yelling at a cat meme

Ohio Quarantine Protesters Are Supplying Memers With Some Premium Photoshop Material

WTF is wrong with people...
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Nothin' To Spark Joy

Funny tweet that reads, "Bet Marie Kondo is wishing she had more shit in her house right about now"
Via Anlyin
Funny dank memes about essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic | cross eyed spongebob Essential Employees Problems Thankful have job Wanting stay ar home like everyone else | Essential workers trying process 35th policy change last 3 weeks www.10-41DESIGNS.COM IG 1041Deaigna www..

Fourteen Exhausted Memes For The Underappreciated Essential Workers

We truly appreciate every single one of you.
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