

Coronavirus, no we don't mean when you drink one too many cervesas. Covid-19 has turned the 21st century on it's head, thrusting the world into facing an incredible challenge unlike one most of us have seen in our lifetimes. So why not laugh about it, it's healthier.

Funny random memes, marvel memes, dank memes, star wars memes, nerdy memes, chewbacca memes, coronavirus memes, covid-19, quarantine memes, relatable memes | Whenever have talk anyone at any point during day u/SilverlsDea on outside on inside 's Big smile. Everybody's happy | chewbacca star wars seeing my barber after quarantine is over

Assorted Memes To Lighten Things Up

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Aww Yeaaah

Funny meme that reads, "Summer 2020 gonna be lit" above photos of people doing summer activities wearing hazmat suits
Via KingRememberedInTime1
Funny dank memes about things that are returning due to there being less pollution | Due less air pollution can now finally see Godzilla and his health bar Japan Godzilla |  Deric @DericRichardson Wow. This is Dallas, TX today where city's cowboys have returned first time since 1805 earth is healing are virus

Things Are Returning To Their Natural Habitats While We're All In Lockdown, According To This Dank Meme

Well, at least there's one tidbit of good news.
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funny tweets, you didn't lack the time you lacked the discipline, dank memes, stupid memes, twitter memes, coronavirus, covid-19 | Sanjana Curtis @sanjanacurtis If don't come out this quarantine with: 1 sourdough starter 2) extremely dry hands 3) complete loss any social skills once had didn't ever lack time lacked discipline | Dr Claire Lee @Claire_Lee If don't come out this quarantine with: 1 new appreciation personal space 2 funky new Zoom background 3 drinking habit didn't ever lack time

Patronizing Quarantine Tweet Inspires Tongue-In-Cheek Meme

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Be Careful

Funny meme about guys pretending to like girls because they want someone to text during quarantine coronavirus covid-19 | That's him officer That's the man pretending to LIKE ME HAVE SOMEONE TO TEXT DURING QUARANTINE
Via @memebase
Funny memes about healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic | Most people talking about quarantine like 'll be over soon working healthcare and briefly looking at numbers: monkey puppet side eye | charge nurse starts huddle they have some bad news about PPE memenurseofficial nalmemecine Oplain film.medical.memes Hey all cool cats and kittens NETFLIX. carol baskin tiger king

Twenty-Two Gratitude-Filled Memes For The Tired Healthcare Workers

We can't thank you all enough!
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Funny meme about dallas cowboys returning to dallas texas because people are quarantined due to covid-19 coronavirus, we are the virus | Deric @DericRichardson Wow. This is Dallas, TX today where the city's cowboys have returned for the first time since 1805. The earth is healing, we are the virus
Via @hauntedtoilet
Twitter thread from university professor about what students are going through with covid-19, coronavirus | Jennifer J. Carroll, PhD MPH (she/her veruka2 1/ am university professor teach undergraduates who have been isolated at home and taking classes "remotely 3 weeks. Here are some things have happened during time | 10/ reached out student who had been logging into our course site but hadn't turned any work 3 weeks ask she's doing. She is an EMT-B and champ our class naloxone training last

Twitter Thread: University Professor Shares Stories Of Students Affected By Covid-19

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Abort Mission

Funny dank meme about feeling hopeful about 2020 featuring the Area 51 Naruto runner | Me going into 2020 with good hope for the future Nah, nothing to see here...
Via Lurkerformemes


Funny meme that reads, "The sign at the pizza place I go to" above a photo of a sign telling patrons to "back the fuck up" due to COVID-19 quarantine
Via Chiefwill

There's No End In Sight

Funny tweet about sanitizing everything during the coronavirus quarantine | just clorox wiped a bottle of purell and purelled my hands cuz i touched the clorox bottle
Via Chiefwill
funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, dumb memes, dank memes, random memes | road to el dorado hint spring seasonal depression EL DORADO GOLDPOSTING COVID-19 | EVERY SITUATION LEFT EXIT 12 Rational Thought Worst Possible Conclusion BLUR SELE EAST 41 WEEE aborteddreams my brain

69 Nice Memes To Help Pass The Time

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Funny and nerdy tumblr posts, lord of the rings, dungeons and dragons, dank memes | tardis-stowaway epidemiologist held monkey's paw. He knew its legend, but he thought if he wished something selfless, something not too vast, perhaps would come true without too high cost. He thought carefully, and then said wish proper handwashing technique become meme 202O And so did. 5,744 notes

Just A Bunch Of Weird & Nerdy Tumblr Posts

Something for the geek in all of us.
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Funny dank memes from Spongebob entitled, "Sandy vs. Alaskan bull worm" | Mark Zuckerberg | Meteor @memebase Another pandemic wWI Earthquakes Terrorist attack COVID-19 Everyone on planet earth

Sandy Takes On The Alaskan Bull Worm In This New Spongebob Meme

Another Spongebob meme we're loving!
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Funny meme depicting how the US poorly handles disasters using Tom from 'Tom and Jerry'
Via ScreechingMedic
Funny memes about what one looked like on March vs. April 1st | fit buff Chris Hemsworth in Thor Ragnarok vs overweight fat Thor in Avengers Endgame | Star Wars droid R2D2 and a trash can

'March 1st vs. April 1st' Memes Depict How God-Awful March Was

It's been a ROUGH month, y'all.
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