

Funny conspiracy theory about Phineas and Ferb criminals, money laundering

Entertaining Theory Suggests Phineas and Ferb Were Money Launderers

Phineas and Ferb: Criminal Masterminds
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Funny Twitter thread that claims that the 'Golden Girls' were part of some sort of gang or crime ring | michaelharriot @michaelharriot BLACKAF This might be most controversial thing l ever tweeted but 's time America faces truth about group beloved historical figures, so here goes: Blanche, Dorothy, Rose Sophia- Golden Girls- were actually members an organized crime syndicate thread: 1:16 AM Jun 26, 2020 Twitter iPhone

Twitter Thread Argues That 'The Golden Girls' Were Actually Part Of An Organized Crime Ring

Well, we definitely never considered this theory.
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Twitter users debunk conspiracy theorist tiktok from target saying theres a scam and there's no food

Retail Workers Debunk TikToker's Grocery Store Conspiracy Theory

It's true that supply chain issues in the United States have been causing anxiety - and inflation is leaving people wondering if they can afford milk or gas. But some conspiratorial individuals are using this opportunity to fear monger or simply to receive attention on social media networks such a TikTok . @thepropheticwarrior #fakenews #preptok #beprepared #thegreatreset #bepreparednotscared #tribulation #panick #survival #rationing #emptyshelves #thetruth ♬ Halloween, horror, spooky cinematic…
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walmart, women, shelf, trafficking, wtf, weird, creepy, tiktok, conspiracy

Conspiracy Theorists Go Wild After Finding Walmart Shelf Lined With Pictures Of Women

Serial killer vibes.
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disneyland, disney, brainwash, conspiracy, food, smellitizer, justin scarred, churros, tiktok, weird, fun facts, funny, videos, youtube

Food Blogger Shares Theory About How Disneyland Brainwashes Guests With Intoxicating Aromas

Ever walk down Main Street in Disneyland and get the sudden, unbearable craving for vanilla ice cream in a giant waffle cone? Or maybe you can't quite remember what happens in the Haunted Mansion, but you can still recall the smell of that musky elevator. According to TikToker @hangryblogger , Disneyland is brainwashing its patrons with devices called 'smellitizers' that emit intoxicating aromas and manipulate you into buying their churros. Uh, what? Is that even necessary? I mean, churros smel…
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memes, john mcafee, mcafee anti virus, cybersecurity, crime, criminal, tax evasion, celeb, conspiracy, twitter, q anon, news, nsfw

Anti-Virus Icon John McAfee Leaves Behind A Legacy of Trolling

An enigma in life, a meme in death
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angry birds star wars top gun conspiracy cia movies interesting world war z funny propaganda - 106898433

4 Movies That Are Actually Propaganda

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chungus, among us, time travel, conspiracy, twitter memes, memes, lol, twitter, funny memes, time travel

An Old Tweet That Supposedly Predicted Future Memes Has Resurfaced

Pretty sus
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cringe, comments, witty comebacks, freakout, facebook, insane people facebook, fail, facepalm, conspiracy, covidiots, covid-19, anti vax, anti mask, stupid people, social media | Lower cognitive ability linked non-compliance with social distancing guidelines during coronavirus don't know lower cognitive ability means, but certainly won't wear mask ever | I've had great idea years everyone over 21 gets 1 vote every $1000 pay federal income tax get an additional vote way people who actually pay

Stupid Statements From The Idiots & Lunatics Of Social Media

These people need to stay off the internet.
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Crazy facebook and twitter posts from insane people, r/insanepeoplefacebook | person standing behind a crying bald girl Turns out cutting off 15 her hair last time she touched scissors wasn't big enough lesson she cut her bangs AGAIN. So now she's BALD think this time lessons gonna sink little deeper! Never lose good woman without fight Get her pregnant if have too

16 People Who Should Really Have Their Internet Privileges Revoked

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Kid confronts mom in video because the mom believes that antifa was behind the storming of the capitol, while it was debunked by the FBI - MAGA, Donald trump, insurrection | They're antifa, dressed in MAGA clothes | The CrankiestAssCajun @aCrankyAssCajun This kid rules. More parent shaming. Fifty Shades Of Whey @davenewwo This is your brain on Fox News

Video: Kid Confronts Mom Over Belief That Antifa Stormed The Capitol

Oh boy.
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Funny and cringey Facebook boomer memes | Sir, please understand buy an anti-depressant pill need proper prescription Simply showing marriage certificate wife's picture is not enough at CartoonGenie | She asked Grandma present Frozen" collection. Steamabla Great Value Frozen Mixed Vegetables Came, Gruen Beans, Com Fas

Cringeworthy Memes Your Family Probably Shared On Facebook

Surprisingly, this gallery is Minion-free
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Conspiracy theorists tweet in response to Sir Ian McKellen's recommendation of the covid-19 vaccine | Ian McKellen @IanMcKellen I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine. I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone. Sir Ian McKellen praises NHS after first dose of Pfizer vaccine mirjam kotter @m_kotter Replying to  @IanMcKellen where is the live video with a closeup of the actual vaccination? And what is in the syringe?? Could be just a vitamine shot | Alison Onedaland @AOnedaland

Twitter Conspiracy Theorists Attack Ian McKellen's Vaccine Endorsement

Oh no they didn't
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cringe, facebook, social media, funny, comments, conspiracy, facepalm | Omg word advice, NEVER try cremate deceased pet oven Not only is worst smell imaginable they do not turn ashes they just burn this day did not start off good! | 7 months ago had beautiful dream making love President Donald Trump! Shortly after found out pregnant with his BABY! GOD SENT DONALD TRUMP SAVE US ALL AND THROUGH HIS SON WILL BE BORN AM SO BLESSED GOD CHOSE THIS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NO COINCIDENCE OUR NEW SAVIOR

Troubled People Who Should Delete Facebook Immediately

And spare us the cringe
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Funny Tumblr thread about Maroon 5's popularity | penicillium-pusher don't trust Maroon 5 many people have heard say Maroon 5 is their favorite band s zero many s zero. If thinking yourself No love them, they're my fave Are sure? Are really sure? They're absolute complete FAVORITE band

Tumblr Thread Explains Why Maroon 5 Is Definitely Up To Something

This weirdly makes sense.
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Crazy QAnon Karen in ARizona destroys mask display at Target, gets arrested, donald trump, right wing

Unhinged QAnon Karen Trashes Target & Harasses Shoppers

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