
Relatable Toddler Struggles When Left Alone With Boba Tea, Mom Has To Test Her Multiple Times

Relatable Toddler Struggles When Left Alone With Boba Tea, Mom Has To Test Her Multiple Times

Man Does Spot-On Impression Of His Wife After a Day Alone With Their Children

Man Does Spot-On Impression Of His Wife After a Day Alone With Their Children

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Woman Gets Praised For Measured Explanation About Why She Doesn’t Want Kids

People Explain How They're The Least Favorite Child Without Saying They're The Least Favorite Child

People Explain How They're The Least Favorite Child Without Saying They're The Least Favorite Child

Parenting tweets, twitter memes, parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (May 26, 2022)

Parents Catch Their Children's' Unpredictable Reactions To Encanto Remix

Parents Catch Their Children's Unpredictable Reactions To Encanto Remix

Toddler Fights With Her Mom Over Marrying Her Dad, Won't Take No For An Answer

Toddler Fights With Her Mom and Dad Over Marrying One of Them, Won't Take No For an Answer

Funny tweets about the perils of parenting, relatable

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (May 21, 2022)

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Needlessly Mean & Gendered Parenting Signs Spark Needlessly Extra Response

When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - waking them up when they asked me to, i was startled by the car horn, man

Dad Shares Hilariously Absurd Reasons He Has Had To Apologize To His Teenagers

Tiktoker SHows Exactly What It's Like Traveling With Your Dad| thumbnail text - we only have three hours, tiktok, travelign with your dad, man

Tiktoker Shows Exactly What It's Like Traveling With Your Dad, From Cringy Dad Jokes to the Constant Distrust That You Brought Your Passport

Funny Tweets about Parenting from May 2022, LOL, humor, funny twitter, parents, children, raising kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (May 12, 2022)

Funny parenting memes, funny parenting tweets, twitter, children, memes for parents

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (May 5, 2022)

baby names, baby, children, naming, wtf, twitter thread, funny twitter

Overly Unique Baby Name Prompts Ridicule From Twitter

Funny parenting tweets, humor, relatable memes, funny

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (April 28, 2022)

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Painfully Accurate Parenting Memes That Capture the Messy Side of Raising Kids