

child, children, kids, lowes, retail, shelves, parents, employees, climbing, mischief, funny twitter

Kid Climbs The Shelves In Lowe’s, Inspires Witty Jokes From Twitter

Forbidden jungle gym
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pledge of allegiance humor american flags lol history flags american history children - 107064321

Video: The Pledge of Allegiance was a Scam to Sell American Flags

Of course.
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Funny kids drawings, funny parenting tweets, kid art, inventive spelling, spoiled kids, crazy kids | tweet by Aubrey Hirsch @aubreyhirsch Kid my son's class explained she sure he has two moms because he has pretty mom and other mom She described each some detail. Reader, both are. So my daughter ripped her jacket yesterday and I told her wasn't fixing Well this is lil note she left If MY Coat not Fix came home I'm gonna Step on Crack Finish rest

16 Times Dumb Kids Were Accidental Comedians

A least they're good for something.
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parenting memes, relatable memes, kids, parents, funny memes, single parent, annoying kids, children, family, memes, funny, relatable tweets

23 Relatable Parenting Memes For Exhausted Moms & Dads

The struggle is real
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Funny twitter thread about a kid who cons her parents, teachers, school so that she can get out of doing classes on Zoom, Jimmy Kimmel, lol, tweets

Crafty Kid Cons Adults To Get Out Of Schoolwork

This girl is going places.
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Wholesome stories of things people used to believe, askreddit

26 People Share Dumb & Wholesome Things They Used To Believe

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Cool video of teacher remixing korn coming undone to teach his students the alphabet

Teacher Remixes Korn's 'Coming Undone' To Teach Students The Alphabet

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Funny meme about how kids pretend sticks are guns, keanu reeves
Via u/PrettyCoolTim


Funny random memes, dank memes, lol, childhood, crushes
Via squanto420squanching
Funny and cringey FAcebook posts from moms, essential oils, coronavirus, covid-19, anti-mask | Does anyone sneak breast milk into their toddlers food give them an extra boost vitamins have little extra each day and think would help protect against Covid do think? 12 38 Comments O Like Comment sneak my milk into scrambled eggs good whole family lol | Them Follow childless person tells they're "tired"

Mommy Group Posts That Range From Cringey To Full Karen

The ignorance is off the charts.
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Funny memes about parenting | Always Sunny in Philadelphia Papa Silve trying recreate conditions last time my baby slept through night Nap length 2 hr 10 min total 68 degrees Dino pajamas alue Sleep sack zipped 87% Waves goodnight houseplant 16 minute bath (plays with alligator toy only) Dinner 3 fish sticks 27 peas F | Baby Yoda Little kids tryna make sure see them coughing

15 Parenting Memes For People Tired Of Their Kids

Parents, you're doing great.
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Funny tweets and moments of kids being stupid, childhood stupidity, facepalm | Children are best fundraisers because they don't understand economics: Principal student who raises $500 dollars school will get this free hat 12 year old is such great deal | have a good war Actual letter from Kid

Amusing Instances Of Childhood Stupidity

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twitter, funny stories, kids, childhood, funny memes, parenting, funny tweets, stupid kids, funny, parents, children | Amazing School Year Planned This year plan eat burrito without cutting it in half | Mrs. Grotke BHB_ Kids make no sense. toddler watching a tablet in a funny handstand position

18 Times Kids Were Hilariously Dumb

Ah, childhood.
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funny tweet blindfolded rubber duck pliers nails razor | Walked in on my kid playing with these, I'm raising a little doctor Nah u raising a little serial killer
Via u/icycleopatra
Funny memes about dads, parenting | My kid: Dad trans So makes My kid: Dad, no transparent | *grass grows 0.17 inches* Dads at 7 .m.:

15 Dad Memes For People Who Love Corny Humor

Calling all dads!
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Funny memes about parenting | as parent screams "screams higher Citytv | trying have conversation with another adult and kid is behind like: OLearningWithLori Ryan Reynolds in front of an exploding car

30 Memes For Parents Who Need A Dang Break

Having kids can be incredibly rewarding, but sometimes you just need to escape, and that's okay.
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