
A compilation of tweets about parenting and children.

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (August 4, 2022)

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

People discuss what it's like to have a children you don't want

People Share What It's Like To Have Children They Don't Want in This Intense Thread

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest ‘Are We There Yet’ Tweets From Parents Who have Had Quite Enough

Funniest ‘Are We There Yet’ Tweets From Parents Who have Had Quite Enough

kids, children, school, elementary school, teacher, funny, funny kids, twitter, lol

Elementary School Teacher Asks Kids To Make Confessions & Their Answers Do Not Disappoint

Funniest Tweets About Kids Creating New Names for Things by Mispronouncing Them, Most Are Definite Keepers

Funniest Tweets About Kids Creating New Names for Things by Mispronouncing Them, Most Are Definite Keepers

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week (7/19/2022)

Super Baby Catches Two Bags of Groceries That Her Mama Dropped While Carrying Her Inside, She Doesn’t Even Seem Phased

Super Baby Catches Two Bags of Groceries That Her Mama Dropped While Carrying Her Inside, She Doesn’t Even Seem Phased

A compilation of funny tweets about kids and parenting.

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (July 14, 2022)

Kids Respond Ready to Rumble As New Viral Trend Has Parents Asking Their Kids to Come Help Them in a Fight

Kids Respond Ready to Rumble As New Viral Trend Has Parents Asking If They Will Come Help Them in a Fight

Mom Tries to Take a Video of Daughter Saying My ‘My Goodness’ but Instead Captures an Adorable, ‘For F**KS Sake'

Mom Tries to Take a Video of Daughter Saying My ‘My Goodness’ but Instead Captures an Adorable, ‘For F**KS Sake'

Parents Catch Priceless Moment of Their Baby's Reaction to Her First Fourth of July Fireworks Show on Video

Parents Catch Priceless Moment of Their Baby's Reaction to Her First Fourth of July Fireworks Show on Video

Millennials Say They’re Twenty and Living With Their Parents Without Explicitly Saying That They’re Twenty and Living With Their Parents

Millennials Say They’re Twenty and Living With Their Parents Without Explicitly Saying That They’re Twenty and Living With Their Parents

A list of some of the funniest tweets about parenting from Twitter this week.

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (June 16, 2022)

Compilation List of Best and Funniest Parenting and Kid Themed Tweets From This Past Week

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (June 9th, 2022)