

No one expected me to enter the cereal bowl eating contest, but not to worry, I have a few Trix up my sleeves.

That's Why I Only Eat the Marshmallows

cereal dog food lucky charms Pie Chart - 6237959168

Just Eat the Damn Cereal

all that racket cereal parenting Rage Comics - 6208407296
Created by Viper-commander

An Amazing Late Night Snack

cereal food late night oh god Rage Comics snack - 5757298688
Created by _Emmy_

You Heartless Bastards!

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Suddenly, Derp-o's Everywhere

cereal fu guy noms Rage Comics rip - 6120518400
Via xoltage

I Guess I Could Just Pick the Marshmallows Out

cereal forever alone milk Rage Comics - 6070807552

You Can Get Breakfast in There?!

cereal IRL roller coaster splash mountain - 6050488320

Enjoy Your Breakfast!

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Created by Jo-Zeeworm


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Created by zechc11

It's Magically Delicious

cereal kids misquotes - 5994776320
Created by Cheddarface

Nostalgia Never Tasted so Good

best of week cereal food nostalgia - 5967236096

What the Hell Is Pyridoxine Hydrochloride?

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I Think it Could Be Fuller, TBH

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Created by MrOreoman

Kid Tested, Iguana Approved

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

Jedis Get the Mondays Too

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Practially a Pied Piper

cereal me gusta Rage Comics - 5672736768