
bernie sanders

funny memes, random memes, dank memes, bernie sanders, bernie sanders memes, stupid memes | bernie sanders meme: Spotify after every song l am once again asking premium support. spongebob on a date with marble block Guys whose personality is being 6ft tall Girls

Twenty-Nine Amusing Memes Because You're Worth It

Keep up the good work.
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Funny dank memes featuring Bernie Sanders asking for financial support | the mandalorian meme with baby yoda: have something want Financial Support. bernie sanders as a scientist and periodic table elements spelling out "financial support": ahh yes Fluorine lodine Nitrogen Carbon Iodine Aluminium Sulfur Uranium Phosphorus Polonium Radi Tiran

Bernie Still Needs Your Financial Support In These Fresh Dank Memes

These memes don't seem to be backing down!
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Funny dank memes featuring Bernie Sanders entitled, "I Am Once Again Asking For Your Financial Support" | EA games every 0.3 seconds I am once again asking financial support. wins lottery Relatives l've never heard

Dank Bernie Sanders Memes That Want Your Financial Support

Election memes are the best memes.
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Dank socialist and communist memes | edward full metal alchemist anime and fellow workers produce billions profit billionaires but can't afford healthcare is not law equivalent exchange. line of people under a billboard. Yeh, well under socialism be so poor have wait hours line brea WORLD'S HIGHEST STANDARD LIVING There's no way like American Way

Socialist Memes For People Who Like To Steal From The Hard-Working Elites

Commies unite!
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Funny twitter meme about Bernie Sanders phone volunteers being instructed to attack Elizabeth Warren, weird twitter, twitter parodies | tweet by WolfJointPagan watching creepy old VHS found suddenly got call Bernie volunteer answered call Hello, Warren supporter speaking As I normally do they immediately told would DIE 7 days nerve! These Bernie-bros are simply rude max! tweet by Atulya_DL VIDER just got call Bernie volunteer, told her leaning Warren and she said all hot people are supporting

Bernie Phone Bankers Are Getting Meme'd By Weird Twitter

Elections are never boring.
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Funny memes and Twitter reactions to the democratic debate

Top Memes And Reactions To Last Night's Democratic Presidential Debate

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Depressing tweets about very expensive medical bills paid in the US

Disheartened Americans Reveal The Astronomical Medical Bills They've Received

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Funny images of democratic candidates with big brains, democratic debate, bernie sanders, cory booker.

Big-Brain Versions Of Democratic Candidates Up The Debate's Funny Factor

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Funny random memes

40 Assorted Memes That'll Fill You With Good Humor

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Could Have Fooled Me

Funny meme of guy wearing sweatshirt that says he is not bernie sanders or larry david.
Via distinguishedbaloney
Funny memes, random memes, comics, the united states, bernie sanders, spider-man.

30 Funny Memes For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

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Funny random memes, bernie sanders, florida, funny memes, memes, dank memes, tweets, funny tweets, bernie sanders memes, pikachu memes, surprised pikachu.

23 Time-Wasting Posts Of Varying Silliness

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Funny meme, keep your secrets, random memes

27 Random Memes That Are Pretty Damn On-Point

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He's Not Wrong

Funny meme about raisins being grape jerky
Via dankmemeuniversity

::Brain Explodes::

Funny meme about bernie sanders about clapping.
Via dankmemesgang

Hot Take

Bernie Sanders talking next to a sign that reads, "Pizza rolls are just Italian gushers"
Via Capinron