

Didn't Need That Info

Shower thoughts Tumblr post where someone points out that your belly button is just your 'old mouth'
Via JamieLeBas

An Actual Nightmare

Funny meme comparing sextuplets to printer error.
Via bestmemesperiod

The Realest Thing I've Read All Day

Tweet that reads, "Family: Why would you get tattoos? They're expensive and painful to get and they are permanent; Also family: Have a baby"
Via awfulphilosophicalcolossalwafflefossils

Yeah, That's A Baby

Funny meme about men acting like babies.
Via dankmemeuniversity

I Mean, Why Not

Caption that reads, "His girlfriend forgot about the scheduled maternity shoot and made other plans. Woke King decided his money won't go down the drain just like that" above pics of a guy posing with McDonald's
Via cinezaurus


Tweet that reads, "My daughter loves to sleep with her butt in the air and it's the cutest thing;" someone comments, "I thought she was in a microwave"
Via chase9988

They Threw A Party And Everything

Caption reads, "The last time people were excited to see me" above a pic of an ultrasound
Via UrMomDoubleGay
funny parenting memes and images

19 Parenting Memes For The Tired Parent Who's Had It Up To Here

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Reddit thread of anti-vaxxers sharing what made them change their mind, vaccinations, funny memes, vaccinating, autism.

13 Former Anti-Vaxxers Reveal Why They Stopped Drinking The Kool-Aid

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Pic of a toddler holding a baby chick up to a flower with the caption, "Smell the goddamn flower you piece of shit baby chicken"
Via Sortanice


Caption that reads, "When someone asks you to hold their baby" over a still of Peter Pettigrew awkwardly holding creepy baby Voldemort
Via MarchingDingo

Time To Fight To The Death, Kids

Picture of two babies in a playpen with a sword in the middle, under the caption, "When you can only pay for one college tuition"
Via PeasLord

Parenting Life Hacks

Parenting guide on bonding with baby, telling parenting to play with the baby rather than having a conversation over coffee
Via Sarah00700
Funny dank memes.

27 Mostly-Fresh Memes For Your Procrastination Pleasure

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Rise & Grind, Kyle!

Funny meme about baby food.
Via distinguishedbaloney
Funny and savage vegan memes.

30 Sassy Memes That'll Trigger Your Vegan Friends

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