
abraham lincoln

Good old Abraham Lincoln. One of the greatest Presidents, and influential figures in United States History. So have a good chuckle with Abe and make sure you don't wait four score and seven years to check out all these puns and jokes.

Enough Has Been Through Him Alre... I Mean... He's Been Through Enough Already!

abraham lincoln pennies - 8186452992

He's Sick to Death of the Idea

abraham lincoln pennies - 8006160640

Spotted in Lincoln, NE

freedom abraham lincoln nebraska burgers - 8373533696
autocorrect abraham lincoln texting - 245508

Abraham Lincoln Frowns Upon Your Shenanigans

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We'd Be Wise to Remember This

quotes abraham lincoln - 8353431808

They Had 3D in the 1860s?

abraham lincoln theater Popcorn funny - 8320114432

The Boston Natty Light Party

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Zombie Lincoln Has Arisen to Emancipate Your Brain From Your Head

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Four Score and Seven Beers Ago...

presidents abraham lincoln party hard - 8188249856

An Actual, Glorious, Fully Colored Photo of Abraham Lincoln Meeting With General McClellan at Antietam, September 1862

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Via Zuzahin

Always Remember

quotes abraham lincoln Statue of Liberty - 8126460160

The Gettextsburg Address

abraham lincoln puns - 7373928192

Lincoln Is a Cyborg

wtf abraham lincoln cyborg - 3234634240

Well Played, Neighbor

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Via Tastefully Offensive


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Presidents Portrayed in Film

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Via Slate