
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Funny video showing a crane operator trolling a guy trying to sunbathe by moving the crane's shadow over him

Crane Operator Trolls Guy Trying To Sunbathe

Funny video sketch about a guy trying to explain a boring TV show to his friend, who falls asleep

Video Sketch About When Your Friend Explains A TV Show You Don't Care About

Funny video of a guy dressed up as the Grim Reaper protesting the Florida beaches reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Guy Dressed As Grim Reaper Goes On National TV To Protest Florida Beaches Reopening

Funny video parodies brands' commercials during the pandemic

Commercial Mocks Brands And Their Money-Grubbing BS During Pandemic

Funny video of a  friendly dog coming across a group of unfriendly cats

Unsuspecting Dog Faces Ominous Gang Of Cats

Funny video of a woman interrupting a street performance

Stubborn Karen Ruins Everyone's Day During A Street Performance

Funny video sketch comparing day one of quarantine and day 50 of quarantine

Video Sketch About Day One Vs. Day 50 In Quarantine Is Spot-On

Funny video of a guy imitating David Attenborough's narration of a construction site

Dude Impersonates David Attenborough, Narrates A Construction Site

Dancing pallbearers film tribute to medical workers as they struggle with the coronavirus pandemic | Thanks to all the doctors in the world men in white suits and face masks

Dancing Pallbearers Share Video Tribute To Medical Workers Around the World

Funny video that makes Donald Trump's comments on 'disinfectant' into a song

This 'Trump Disinfectant Remix' Is A Serious Banger

Funny satirical video making fun of rich celebrities who think they're being relatable while being in quarantine

Hilarious Video Makes Fun Of Cringey Celebrities During Quarantine

Funny video of two guys demonstrating creative ways you can toss your friend a beer while maintaining social distancing

Two Dudes Show How To Pass Your Friend A Beer While Social Distancing

Funny video of Woody Harrelson learning that Liam and Chris Hemsworth are related

Woody Harrelson's Mind Is blown When He Learns Liam And Chris Hemsworth Are Related

Funny Twitter reactions to Grimes and Elon Musk supposedly naming their baby "Influenza" | tweet by Pop Base @PopBase Grimes Elon Musk have reportedly named their child Influenza. 2:09 AM Apr 23, 2020 Twitter iPhone | piel @lordies influenza mae musk looks good here 2:14 AM Apr 23, 2020 Twitter iPhone goth elf baby

Elon Musk And Grimes Reportedly Named Their Baby 'Influenza,' Twitter Reacts

Funny video of a guy who has created an AI version of himself for his work Zoom meetings

Dude Creates Creepy AI Version Of Himself To Get Out Of Zoom Meetings

Funny comedy sketch video where a woman tries to explain the COVID-19 pandemic to her past self

Woman Explains The Pandemic To Her Past Self In This Hilariously Surreal Sketch