
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Funny video sketch about people who refuse to wear masks in public

Video Sketch Makes Fun Of People Who Refuse To Wear Masks

Funny video sketch about a guy shopping at Whole Foods

Parody Sketch About People Who Shop At Whole Foods Is Pretty Spot On

Funny video sketch about a group of Karens fighting with each other at a playground

Video Sketch Imagines How Karens Interact With Each Other In The Wild

Funny and cringey video of a female police officer crying over her McDonald's order at the drive-thru

Karen Cop Gives Cringey Speech In McDonald's Drive-Thru

Funny video of a woman getting angry in a Pier 1 Imports store and coughing on the woman filming the video

Total Karen Coughs On Woman And Makes A Scene At Pier 1 Imports

Funny meme that reads, "Nobody: ... Me during Zoom video calls: ..." above a photo of Mark Zuckerberg in trial wearing Crocs

Zucc Has The Right Idea

Funny video of Trump responding to criticism of a former speech of his by drinking a glass of water

Crowd Goes Wild When Trump Drinks Glass Of Water All By Himself

Funny video of the song 'Africa' by Toto being played on Tesla coils

'Africa' By Toto Played With Tesla Coils Is Weirdly Good

Funny video sketch of cops being trained to be more aggressive toward black people they come across

Satirical Sketch Depicts What Police Training Must Be Like

Funny video that parodies brands who try to capitalize off of the Black Lives Matter movement and social justice

Parody Video Mocks Brands Trying To Capitalize Off Of The Black Lives Matter Movement

Funny video showing a British police officer chasing a guy onto a pier, guy pushes the police officer into the water

Hilarious English Police Chase Ends With Cop Getting Pushed Into The Water

Funny video showing a guy hiding in a suitcase getting kicked around by airport luggage handlers

Hilarious Sketch Shows How Your Luggage Gets Handled At The Airport

Funny video sketch showing quarantine as a parent of a middle schooler

Video Sketch About Quarantine With A Middle Schooler Is Hilariously Accurate

Funny video where a son edits the end of Toy Story 3 so that it shows the toys dying, and then shows it to him mom as a prank

Kid Pranks His Mom By Giving 'Toy Story 3' A Morbid Ending

Logan Paul speech about black lives matter, twitter reactions, police brutality | @DaveOshry reached Logan Paul is somehow voice reason" part 2020 Logan Paul @LoganPaul 2d have be anti-racist | sophie|lamp eult 8|G @sophiiee420 this is proof logan is best paul brother BLACK LIVES MATTER ES ER BL THIS IS GACKGRID 9:39 AM 6/4/20 Twitter iPhone

Logan Paul Praised For Passionate Black Lives Matter Speech

Interesting video that explains the dangers of going outside vs. staying inside during the COVID-19 pandemic

Informative Video Explains The Spread Of COVID-19 Indoors Vs. Outdoors