
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Video from cracked about how stupid people also known as morons make it possible for wild, stupid, and unrealistic superhero movies (such as Spider-Man, Batman and Wonder Woman) possible

5 Incompetent Characters Who Make Superhero Plots Possible

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Lorde Crushes ‘Hot Ones’, Puts The Fear Of God Into The Rest Of Us

Dad finds mold in Capri Sun, TikTok, warning

Dad Warns the Internet After Finding Mold In Capri Sun Pouches

Honest Ads from Cracked, Recycling

Cracked's 'Honest Ads' Is Back, And This One Tackles Recycling

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How Therapy Gecko Became the Internet’s Unofficial Therapist

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Dude Finds Giant Centipede In Daughter's Room & Horrifies People With the Footage

Know Your Meme explores and explains the Where's Goku meme

Video: Know Your Meme Explains the 'Where's Goku?' Meme

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Cracked Remade 'Loki' with a Budget of Only $20

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Startling Video Claims Bigfoot Sighting In Michigan

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Irish Gymnast Jumps On Olympic Bed To Disprove Anti-Sex Rumor

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Guy Rates The Emergency Alarm Sounds For Different Countries, With Unexpectedly Entertaining Results

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Cracked Remade 'F9' With a Budget of Only $20

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Marvel At This Money Shot of a Plane Dumping Fish Into a Lake

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Petty Karen In A Range Rover Freaks Out Over Gas Pump

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Heroic Fairgoers Stop A Carnival Ride From Toppling In An Alarming Video

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Video: Why is There No Such Thing as a Coincidence?